Chapter Seven

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1:30 A.M.

Georgia's hair is still wet from her shower; slightly damp, not soaked. She groans as she turns in bed, one thought on her mind.

Why did Luke check up on me?

It's odd that such a thing would be running around in circles, dancing about in her cranium, but it's most certainly there. And for some reason, Georgia can't think of anything else.

The veins running through Luke's arm that bulged when he was holding down Jake's wrist are engrained in her memory; the fire burning in his blue eyes as he walked in and noticed her with him instead of behind the front desk something she can't easily forget. Georgia rolls her eyes, "I hate him, why does it matter that he was angry?" She huffs and rolls over in bed once more, trying to get comfortable. "It doesn't matter," she decides, nodding her head slightly. Groaning, Georgia stuffs her head into her pillows, "It shouldn't matter," she mumbles. As she bites her lip she closes her eyes, Georgia wishes that she could fall asleep, but alas, it still takes her hours until she finally gets some shut eye.

Only a few hours later, Georgia's alarm clock is buzzing out of control. She flings her arm out to the side with high hopes of hitting the snooze button, to no avail. Finally she rolls out of bed with a groan, presses the button, and trudges toward the shower.


"All right, class," Mrs. Dobbs barks, "I want you to read over Chapter Three in your textbooks and have the end of chapter quiz ready to turn in by Friday."

A collective groan washes through the students and in result, Mrs. Dobbs pulls out her ruler. "We can make it Thursday, then?" she suggests with a scowl. Every head in the classroom begins shaking and just as the bell rings, Mrs. Dobbs corrects the assignment to Friday.

Georgia, just as she did yesterday, slips out of the classroom as quick as possible, avoiding the eyes of either Luke or Ashton. On her way to math class though, she sees Luke and Ashton arguing about something down the hall and as much as she wants to lean in and eavesdrop, the sea of students are pushing her towards the door. Sighing, Georgia clutches her books to her chest and walks into the door, ducking her head and making her way to her seat.

As always, Georgia makes notes as if she were a madwoman about to lose her memory; scribbles and formulas covering the pages. She loses her mind and worries in mathematical equations and solutions just as she does each day during second period. Instead of worrying about a certain confusing blonde haired boy with blue eyes or her best friend with the persnickety attitude, she focuses only on the numbers and letters she scrawls onto her paper.


She pushes her way through the lunch line, piling her plate with the normal cafeteria food, and after paying, Georgia scans the large room for Aaron. She finds the curly-headed brunette within moments, her head stuffed in a book, and quickly Georgia makes her way over to her. "Hey Air," she greets, sliding into the seat next to her. Aaron just nods, still enraptured with whatever chapter of her book she's currently on. Georgia begins eating and it takes a full five minutes for Aaron to pick her head up from the novel and pay attention to the few people surrounding her.

"Hey Geeps," she says with a smile.

Georgia returns the grin and continues digging into her lunch, but after taking a few bites she asks, "If a guy you hardly know acts protective over you, does that mean he likes you?" Her head cocks to the side slightly so she can look at Aaron's eyes hidden behind thin-framed glasses. The brunette shrugs, her curls tousling as she does so. "It can mean a number of things. If he's ever seen you cry or be upset, he may just feel like he owes you so he's going to be nice. Maybe he's seen you bullied before and he just feels like he should be there for you. I don't know though, and I'm no psychologist or anything, so I'd probably say yes." Suddenly, as she realizes the entirety of the situation, she cocks an eyebrow, "Is there a guy who's been protective of you recently, Georgia?"

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