Chapter 27

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(a/n): beforehand i would just like to say that this is so sad that it’s my last chapter aw even though this isn’t the greatest fanfic out there it’s like my lil baby and aw it’s over now and i feel both weirdly proud and happy but at the same time super sad but i hope you guys like it :)) x

ps if you guys can tell me where all of the lyrical references are i'll bake you cookies <3 i put some in there just to make this chapter kinda cool hehe xx

 “I can’t believe this,” she grumbles, pulling the cake out of the oven. “Would you stop griping and complaining?!” James shouts from the living room where he’s touching up the decorations. Georgia sighs, “It doesn’t bother you even a little bit that we’re going to be alone for Christmas? No dad…No mom…”

James puts his hands on his hips, “I heard that.”

She rolls her eyes, “You were supposed to.”

“You’ve got to stop this, Georgia,” James sighs. “You can’t keep pinning everything back to mom.” She grumbles something indistinct under her breath before putting the pan on the top of the stove, ready to start the cookies next. “Plus,” he adds, “everyone is coming over this evening for Christmas dinner, we won’t be alone. Even if dad and little Lukey Wooky aren’t here.”

Geeps narrows her eyes and sticks out her tongue, putting her thumbs in her ears as she waves her fingers around childishly. “Y’know,” James says from within the living room, “I wonder sometimes if you’re actually seventeen or if it’s all a lie.” She smiles as she begins to dip out the cookies onto a tray, reaching forward to change the degrees on the oven temperature. “Oh, I promise,” she says teasingly, “it’s all a lie.” She can hear James’ chuckle from within the living room, and it makes her happy to hear him laugh.

“Is Brittany coming?” she asks, biting on her lip as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other. James sighs and smacks his legs before standing up from in front of the fireplace. “Yes,” he tells her as he walks into the kitchen, “she is. Remember?” Georgia doesn’t look at him, her eyes on the bowl of sugar cookie dough in front of her body on the counter. “Y-Yeah, I remember,” she speaks in a quiet voice. “Sorry.”

James’ hand reaches out and catches her elbow before she can dip the spoon in again. “You can’t be mad at her, you know,” he tells her gently, his voice low. “Just because I’m getting married to her doesn’t mean you can be angry at her.” His fingers are hot around her forearm, making her flesh burn intensely.

“Yes it does!” she snaps, her voice deeply hurt. James shakes his head, “No, Geepsy, it doesn’t.” He reaches forward, tugging on her arm gently, “It doesn’t.” He presses his lips to her temple for a long, tender moment, and then pulls away. “She’ll be here in an hour to help us with the stuff for the party, please…” His voice is pleading, desperate.

“Play nice.”


“Georgia!” Brittany exclaims, re-crossing her legs. “I never knew you were such an artist.” Georgia giggles, blushing as she hides behind her hands. “I-I’m not,” she protests. “I just write a little bit.” Brittany scoffs, reaching out to pat her fiancé’s sister’s thigh. “Writing is still art, Georgia,” she tells the younger girl, a soft smile on her face.

Brittany has always been beautiful, Georgia has thought. Not only in outer appearance, but inwards as well. She’s got a warm heart, which is why James was drawn to her initially. He met her at an animal rescue shelter when it was pouring down raining and he needed money for a cab fare, his wallet dropped somewhere along the way, washed down a drain in the city. She not only drove him to his house, but took no payment, saying it was her pleasure to help out someone in need.

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