7- Alex

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Dark clouds were looming overhead. Puffy, grey, full of water vapor, looking ready to burst open at any second. I didn't miss the irony of the situation since I decided today I was gonna kill Felix.

Originally, I was going to wait. I needed the most opportune moment. A moment when he was alone instead of surrounded by other goons, which seemed to be more likely as of late. Then last night happened, and I realized that I had to get it done before Luke had a chance to rat me out.

I should have killed him. The devil on my shoulder kept repeating the phrase all night long, keeping me awake. For some reason I couldn't. Call it a conscience. Call it weakness. I don't care.

Felix was the one that needed to die.

I was fixated on the boss' house until Felix finally emerged. Nine a.m. He had two guards with him. Not ideal but not impossible.

I didn't have time to consider where they were going before I jumped down and followed them. I didn't have time to worry if more were going to follow, either. I had time to act, that was all.

I stalked them in the woods as they walked towards the mountain. They moved close to the ocean. The waves crashing against the cliffs below were loud enough to cover up my footsteps, as well as whatever words they were exchanging between each other. They stood together, waiting for something. I didn't have time to think about it. I reacted.

I cut the first one down easily. Snuck up behind him, sliced his neck, and he fell to the ground. The second one attempted to grab me. I ducked underneath his reach and cut his stomach at the same time. Distracted, he clutched his abdomen with one hand and tried to hit me with the other. I stabbed him in the stomach again, this time twisting it deep. Warm blood soaked my hand and ran down his clothes as his eyes widened. I took the knife out. He slumped to the ground, bleeding out, more slowly than his companion.

That left Felix.

He was standing five feet away, bewildered that I took down his companions so quickly. I looked into his eyes and realized that he didn't recognize me. Maybe he'd hurt too many people to remember me.

"Who are you?" Felix demanded. I'd never seen him show fear before this moment, right now. I only knew him to have hatred and aggression. To enjoy hurting anyone and everyone who crossed his path, most undeserving. Maybe this was the first time he ever felt threatened.

I advanced on him. Felix was more skilled than the others, and prepared for an attack. He struck at me repeatedly, but never got a hit in. He was used to his victims being restrained. He was used to fighting people smaller than him, more scared, more defenseless. I was none of those things. Not anymore.

The next time Felix struck out at me, I met his fist with my blade. His hand tore open, sliced from his knuckle to halfway down his palm. Blood poured from the wound as the small bones peered out from broken skin. Then I brought him to the ground. He didn't put up a fight and just layed there, a single tear in his eye.

"Do you remember me?" I asked.

"No." He choked out between whimpers.

"You took something from me. A lot, actually." Holding his other hand down in the dirt, I plunged my knife into his palm.

His scream was loud enough to carry to the other side of the island. I needed to end it, now.

I took the knife out and brought it to his neck. "Go to hell, asshole."

That's when I heard the gunshot. They were already here. But, too late. I pulled the knife across his throat before hands were grabbing me, pulling me off. It wasn't until I was being dragged away that I felt the burning sensation in my right arm. Like a beesting, except a million times worse.

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