15- Alex

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A gunshot pierced the air. I didn't see where it hit. I started swimming for the shore as fast as possible as the sound of shouting grew closer. Luke grabbed the backpack and jumped into the waves when he realized what was happening. I didn't hear any more bullets after the first one. Maybe we were too far away.

When Luke and I hit the other side of the beach, we started running.

After putting some distance between ourselves and the shooter, we diverted to the beach, running into the shallow water to get rid of any tracks. The splashes were loud, heavy. My feet got tripped up in the uneven sand and I fell to the ground. Luke had been taking up the rear and helped to haul me back up.

We had nowhere to hide. I knew this. I wasn't sure if Luke did. The caves would be too obvious. Our tracks would lead them right to it. As they would to any other place we went on the island.

"You a good swimmer?" Luke asked. He was beside me now, probably having realized the same thing I did.

"Good enough." My voice came out more raspy than his. He'd been going on runs everyday to stay in shape. I'd spent most of my time in a tree. I was regretting that now.

Suddenly, Luke grabbed my good arm and we stopped dead in our tracks. The warm water lapped at my ankles as we listened. The gun shots had stopped since we left that beach. Our sprinting was so loud that I wasn't sure if we were even being followed.

"There they are!" A loud voice boomed.

We sprinted again. Heavy footsteps followed. I wondered why they weren't shooting. They must have had a decent shot. Luke took the rear again in an effort to protect me, just in case a bullet flew our way. He was always doing that. It was starting to piss me off.

We made it to the westernmost point of the beach and followed it south. This was where the waves weren't as choppy. Confident that we'd put enough distance between ourselves and Ray's guards, we jumped into the ocean.

I wasn't sure how far out to go. I ducked my head underwater and dove under waves, kicking hard with my feet and using my left arm to propel me. My right stayed glued to my side as the bandages loosened from the water.

When I poked my head back up, I was at least fifty feet from shore. It still wasn't far enough. I could see everything on land.

A hundred and fifty feet. That should do it.

"You good?" Luke's head popped up beside mine. He looked concerned. Again.

"Yes. Fine." My tone was snappier than I intended.

I kept my eyes on the shore. At this distance, I couldn't see much. The trees blended together into one long line, and if someone was hiding among them, I wouldn't know.

At least there was a chance I could spot them if they emerged onto the sand. They had no chance of seeing me. My head was nothing but a black dot that only binoculars could make out.

"They don't have binoculars, do they?" I asked.

"Yeah. They do."


"Slim chance they'll use 'em though. They know we have to come back eventually." Luke reassured me.

It didn't help. Ray was in no hurry to catch us cause he knew we were trapped. Just two rats in a maze, looking for the nonexistent cheese. Little did we know, a foot was hovering right above us, just waiting to stomp.

"What have you found out about Ray?"

"All I know is a boat stops by the dock on the eastern tip, twice a day. I've never seen what's on it. Don't know where in the mountain they're storing stuff, either."

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