22- Lily

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Mohammad was easy to befriend. I realized pretty early on that he had a thing for me. I had no problem exploiting it to its full potential. Flirting wasn't a crime, and I never took it any further. Still, I was desperate to find out what my father was hiding and the young analyst was my best way of obtaining information.

"Do you know anything about Felix Alcón?" I asked Mohammad. It was a month after I'd arrived. A month of holding off on these questions because I knew he might get suspicious of me. Now, as I sat on his desk, bare legs crossed and right in front of him, Mohammad didn't hesitate in answering.

"He works for Sebastian Malone. Or actually, Ray Malone. Sebastian is dead." Mohammad was too distracted by my legs to catch his slip up.

"Let me guess, Daniel killed Sebastian?"

Mohammad's eyes finally jerked up to meet mine. "Oh. Shit."

I leaned close to him. He was sitting in his chair, inches from me, his face lower than mine. It made me feel like I had the position of power. I used it, whispering so no one could hear. "Please tell me, Mo."

"I'm really not supposed to."

"Felix killed my sister. Please give me the chance to avenge her." I pressed.

Mohammad's gaze was drawn to my lips and lingered there for a moment. Then, he relented. His hands moved to the keyboard beside me, and I jumped off the desk to give him easier access to the two monitors.

When Mohammad found what he was looking for, he didn't hold back.

"Sebastian Malone was Daniel's mark a couple years ago. Sebastian was orchestrating a variety of illegal trades for a while, trafficking women and drugs and everything in between. He used his brother Ray's secluded island as a midway point." Mohammad pulled up a satellite image of the island that was positioned a couple of miles off the coast of Florida.

"Sebastian made the deals. Sebastian kidnapped the girls and assassinated rivals. Ray wanted nothing to do with that. One day, Daniel infiltrated Sebastian's million dollar home in Miami and killed him. We all thought that was the end of it until Ray's guy Felix went after you."

I filled in the gaps. It took Ray years to find me and get his revenge. Jane was innocent, killed in the crossfire of a war my father waged. Daniel left when he knew the risks. He didn't warn me. He left me alone and unarmed to fight off an enemy he created.

"Send me that info. Thank you." I said. I gave him a quick kiss on his forehead while I gently lifted the handgun from his holster. Then I stood up and stormed into my father's office.

"We need to talk." I growled. There was a man sitting on the other side of Daniel's desk, who stood when I entered. He glanced at Daniel, waited for a nod, and then left the room. When he closed the door, I sat and pulled out the gun, pointing it at my father's chest, keeping it low so no one looking in would see.

"What's this about?" Daniel looked down at the weapon for a moment before leveling his gaze. He didn't look afraid. He never did.

"You know where Felix is. You've known this entire time."

He pursed his lips."You're right."

"Why haven't you told me?"

"It's not your battle to fight."

"You're goddamn right it's not, but look where we are now. You dragged me into this. I'm killing Felix, and you're not gonna stop me." The words tumbled out of me like raging hot lava. My finger hovered over the trigger. All it would take was one flick of my finger to end his life like he almost ended mine.

"It was never my intention-"

"You didn't do anything to stop it, either."

"Lily, please-"

"Don't call me that."

Daniel laid his hands on the desk, his calmness even more infuriating. "What can I do for you, Alex?"

"I need money to get to the island."

"Fine. Anything else?"

"An apartment. Just for a month or two so I can get a plan together."

Daniel hesitated. "I'd feel better if I sent someone with you-"

I raised the gun a little higher. "No. I've been alone the past ten years, why stop now?"

His left eye flinched every so slightly. It was a reminder that he did feel pain. And I knew exactly how to inflict it. "I'm sorry-"

"Save it. I'll be waiting for that money. Don't follow me."

I thrust the gun into my waistband and walked out of his office, hoping to never return.

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