13- Alex

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I felt Luke's hard dick pressed against my back the second I woke up. At first, I was pissed. Why? I didn't know. It was the morning. It's not like he could control it.

Still, as the sun rose, I glared at a rock in front of me to try to dispel the anger that had no reason to be there. It was just a penis. A good-sized one, even, pressed right in the middle of my butt. Two years ago, I would have loved waking up to this.

Alright, I'm not mad. Just having a hard time staying focused.

I scooted away from Luke carefully in an attempt not to wake him up. As soon as I sat up, I heard his sharp intake of breath.


I looked over my shoulder at him. His hands were both clinging onto his junk as he stared up at me, eyes wide but lips slightly turned up.

"I did warn you." I said.

"No. Please don't."

A smile was tugging at my lips. I swallowed the urge to keep it going and stood up. "Want a snack?"

"Yes please."

Luke sat up against the wall and caught the package of peanuts I threw at him. I grabbed one of my own and a water bottle before joining him. We split the water and ate the nuts in silence.

I was uncomfortable. I just cuddled with Luke all night and now we were eating breakfast together. Even after I had decided he wasn't to be trusted.

I needed to get the hell out of here.

After he finished eating, he wrapped my arm again as I plotted ways I could escape, if only for a moment. Just for some fresh air. Just to get moving and feel useful again.

"I gotta scout around to make sure we haven't been found yet. Are you gonna be okay alone?" Luke asked as he closed up the pack.

"Yeah." Instead of having to ask his permission to leave, or wait till he was distracted, I was being handed the perfect opportunity.

"Shouldn't be more than ninety minutes."

"Cool." As suspicious as I was of his 'scouting', I didn't dwell on it.

He gave me one last sideways glance before wading into the water. It wasn't long before he was out of sight, leaving me alone on the beach.

Twenty minutes later, I left as well. Making sure to keep my bandaged arm out of the water, I walked through the ocean and onto the beach next to ours past the wall of rocks. After listening for a while to make sure no one was nearby, I made my way west.

I walked along the beach, staying just above the waterline. It was rockier on this side with only small patches of sand lining the way. At the point, there was a wall of rocks that stuck out at least twenty feet into the water. Waves slammed against them, making that section rougher that most. It was where Luke said the boat had been run aground, but it wasn't there.

I walked further, scanning the south beach for any signs of it. The monstrosity would be hard to miss. If it wasn't here, where had it gone? If it had dislodged itself, would it be drifting to another island close by? Or maybe the rocks had cut a hole into the hull, causing it to sink.

Or, Luke had lied about seeing it.

I stood with my arms crossed, scanning the ocean, wondering why the hell he would lie about such a thing. He was the one who suggested we use the boat to get off the island. He wouldn't have said that if he hadn't actually seen it.

Frustrated at my inability to figure him out, I changed direction and walked east. I hugged the shore again, taking my shoes off and walking in the wet sand so my tracks were washed away by the water.

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