44- Alex

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Daniel had left a small inflatable dinghy tied up at the dock for us. Any doubt that he didn't just walk up to Ray to sacrifice was lost when I saw that. We piled in without a word. After turning on the motor and steering us away from shore, I exchanged a look with Luke as we left the island for the last time. We cruised slowly, our small boat no match for the choppy waves. The sky was clear today, no clouds in sight, the pastel colors in the sky reminding me that another day was over.

Once we were back in Miami, we tied the dinghy to a dock and left it there for someone else to take. Luke's gait was wobbly but steady enough to walk with us through the throngs of people. We landed at the same hotel we shared just a couple of days ago, our room similar but with two beds this time.

"Mind if I take the first shower?" Luke asked when we had settled in. Most of the dried blood had washed off of his skin, replaced with dirt and sand.

Jane shook her head. "Absolutely not."

When Luke left us alone, Jane and I were sitting on opposite beds. For some reason, I felt awkward around her. It had been a year since we last saw each other, and so much had happened in that time. I didn't know the hardships she had been through and she didn't know mine. In a way, we were almost strangers again.

"I don't like you and you don't like me. Let's fix that." Jane said when the silence had stretched just a little too long. I looked up at her with a crooked smile. She had said that same exact thing to me the first time we met. "Sorry I don't have vodka this time."

I laughed shortly, relieved that she was still the same. "God, I've missed you."

"You look like hell. Has anyone told you that?"

"A bunch of people, actually."

"Luke doesn't seem to mind." Jane's attempt at a sly wink took over the entire left side of her face.

"Shush. I dunno what you're talking about." I glanced at the closed bathroom door to make sure he hadn't heard.

"Sure you do. You guys are a thing, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Absolutely not."

The door to the bathroom opened, and a cloud of steam emerged followed by Luke's wet body. I couldn't help myself. I was stuck on his face for some reason, even though his chest was wet and bare. Wet strands of dark hair were dangling in front of his eyes, which were staring right at me with a heat I recognized. His lips twisted into a smirk and I remembered how soft they were. How well they meshed with mine.

I caught my stare when I remembered Jane was in the room. I felt her shooting me a pointed look, and I did everything I could to avoid her gaze.

"Lily, you're next. Clean yourself up." Jane's grin was taunting. I couldn't bear to look at either of them as I slunk to the bathroom, leaning against the door after I closed it.

I stood there for a moment when I heard their voices through the thin wood.

"So Luke, has she tried pushing you away yet?"

His low laugh was unmistakable. It wasn't a sound I'd heard often. "Oh, she hasn't stopped."

With a groan, I pushed off the door and stepped into the shower. I took my time washing the cuts and bruises that had accumulated from my last trip to the island, scrubbing so hard that I hoped my thoughts would go away as well.

When I emerged from the bathroom, skin clean but dressed back in my dirty clothes, Luke and Jane were sitting back on their beds, watching a sitcom. I had caught more laughs through the door while I was showering, delightfully confused at how well they seemed to be getting along.

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