29- Lily

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The school in Heatherwood was nothing like the one I had back home, one with 10 classrooms and 200 students max. I had an intimate relationship with my teachers there. Some of them would stick around with me after class as I did my homework. My classmates would hang out with me too, aware of why I didn't want to go home yet.

When I first stepped foot on 'campus', as Jane called it, I had to stop for a second to take it all in. It was an image I had only seen in teen movies. The buildings, there were four of them, were made of brick and stood at least three stories tell. The landscape was polished and full of color. Cement walkways connected each of the buildings and lines of students walked in every direction. Some were standing in groups, chatting, their backpacks worth more money than my father had in his savings. I looked down at my outfit, at the ripped jeans and faded grey tank top, and immediately felt self-conscious.

"Come on. We gotta get you to class." Jane put a hand on my shoulder and walked with me to the tallest building. She led me into the office and immediately started chatting with the woman sitting behind the reception desk. I stood awkwardly next to her until the woman signed me up for the app that had my class schedule.

"First period is English. Awesome." Jane took the lead again, walking close. She smiled at a couple of kids we passed by in the hall, a few of them shooting me looks of disdain at the sight of my outfit. My lack of make-up and any kind of hair styling might have also had something to do with it. Most of the girls here looked like they were ready for the runway.

And this was only high school.

Jane stopped at the doorway. "If you need anything, text me. I put my number in there when we got your schedule."

"Thanks." To say I was overwhelmed was an understatement.

"You'll be fine. I promise." Jane smiled. "I'll see you at lunch."

When she left, I turned to look at the classroom. Twenty desks were arranged in four rows, half of them already taken by chatting students. I took my place in the back corner, putting my bag on the floor and leaning back against the cold plastic.

No one talked to me for the rest of the day. None of the teachers introduced me either. My social science teacher pulled me aside after class and let me know how to access the homework but other than that, I felt like a puppy thrown into a pack of wolves. How I was supposed to survive this thing called high school, I had no idea.

Lunch wasn't any better. It reminded me of Mean Girls. Everyone had their place. Perhaps the cliches weren't as severe in real life but it was halfway through the school year. Everyone had a set group of friends already, people they shared classes and interests with. I was about to sit alone when Jane slunk beside me as I wandered around the large room.

"You're sitting with me."

I followed her to a table of girls. Six pairs of eyes turned to look at me with the same judgment I was throwing back at them. They had their designer lunch boxes set on the table in front of them with containers of carrot sticks and caviar. I pulled out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a side of potato chips, looking at them as they waited for Jane to say something.

"Girls, this is Lily. She's my step-sister and she'll be eating with us from now on." Jane said. Apparently, her word was final. All of them shrugged before continuing on their conversation involving the latest development in pop culture.

I was half-listening as I ate, the other half of me plotting an escape from this dreadful town. I didn't have anything in common with these people. They grew up in a bubble. I did too, but it was much different from this one. It had been made from a canopy of leaves instead of diamonds and satin.

"See what I mean?" Jane whispered in my ear, raising her eyebrows at her so-called friends.


"Don't worry. We only have to hangout with them at school." Jane informed me.

I smiled. Maybe Jane and I had more in common after all.

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