27- Lily

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By the end of the first week, Jane knew to stay away from me. Even though we shared a room, we had barely spoken more than two words to each other.

I was too busy being mad at the amount of money these two women had to enjoy my time here. Chandeliers, diamond jewelry, designer clothes, marble statues, they had it all. They even had a full-time maid who cooked every meal and cleaned the house twice a week. I hadn't seen Regina lift a single finger in order to clean up her own mess. Jane at least offered to help. The maid, Alice, always rejected it. But at least Jane offered.

The amount of time dad spent at the house increased a bit that first week. He wanted to spend more time with Regina. He forced me to watch Jeopardy with them every night after dinner before I was allowed to retire to my room with a book. Anything was better than being around such a fake-ass family.

"Daniel and I are going to Miami for the weekend. Will you girls be ok here by yourselves?" Regina asked. I had been there a week. One week and dad was already leaving me alone. I shot him a look of disdain but he pretended not to see it. Perhaps I should be used to not getting any quality time with him. I couldn't remember the last time he and I hung out together doing more than just watching TV. Apparently, he had no problems doing that with Regina.

"I thought we were gonna pick up martial arts training this weekend." I reminded him.

Dad frowned. "Sorry, Lil. Next weekend."

"You guys have fun. We'll be good here." Jane replied.

As soon as they left, I went to the bedroom. Sitting on my full-sized mattress with a book in hand, I leaned back and attempted to pass the time.

An hour later, Jane came into the room with a bottle of vodka in her hand. "You and I need to talk."

"With vodka?" I put the book down in my lap, confused.

"You don't like me. I don't like you. Let's fix that."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna need more than alcohol for that."

Jane sat on my bed anyway. She twisted off the cap and took a swig. Even though it looked expensive, her face still scrunched up at the taste. "Your dad's gonna be my mom's fifth husband." She passed the bottle to me.

"What is this, truth or dare?" I grabbed onto it reluctantly. I had never tried alcohol before. Nothing besides the occasional beer I stole from my father when I was bored and alone in the house.

"Just truth. We might have more in common than you think."

"I doubt that." I scoffed, looking at all of the lavish things surrounding us. Even the beds were expensive with their egyptian cotton, high thread count, whatever.

"So you're gonna hate me because my mom has money?"

I glared at her. "No."

"Or is it cause you hate the idea of anyone replacing your mother?"

I took a swig of the vodka and almost immediately regretted it. Luckily, instead of spitting it out onto Jane's perfectly made-up face, I swallowed it. "We were doing just fine on our own."

Jane took the bottle from me and had another drink. "We were, too. My mom's a codependent person though. I've never seen her be single for more than a week."

"How do you deal with having a different father all the time?"

"I keep my distance. It's not too hard."

"What about your biological dad?"

"They split when I was a kid."

I took another drink and narrowed my eyes at her. "So why are you trying to be my friend? Isn't this all gonna blow up in a couple years anyway?"

"You seem cool." Jane said simply. Even her voice had such a melodic sound to it. It was no wonder she had a line of guys at our school begging to get a date with her.

"You don't even know me." 

"I know, but still." Jane stared off at the wall for a second, pondering. Then her blue eyes lit up and she looked back at me. "You seem caught up in your feelings. You care about the important stuff. Your loyal to your dad, even though he's screwed you over. I'm the same way with my mom."

"Oh." I replied. I almost kept my mouth shut but the alcohol coursing through my veins had a different idea. She changed the subject. "I hate this house. I think it's disgusting."

Jane smiled. "Yes, thank you! I tried to tell my mother to donate the money instead of spending it on stupid shit. She doesn't listen though."

"How is she so rich anyway?"

"Inheritance from her mother, or so she says. I think the truth is she gets it from men." Jane took another swig and handed it back to me. Against my better judgment, I followed suit.

"Oh." I replied.

"Was your dad home more when it was just the two of you?"

"Not really. I learned how to take care of myself pretty quick."

"My mom leaves me alone a lot too. She doesn't even work and still can't be bothered to be a mom."

"Oh." Maybe she was right about us having something in common. At the very least, neither of us had an attentive parent.

"Well, Lily. Looks like we have no choice but to become friends." Jane grinned.

Somehow, I was beginning to think she was right.

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