38- Alex

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They were gonna kill him.

That thought alone was enough to push me out of my hiding spot, my gun firing wildly at the men surrounding Luke's limp body. I couldn't watch them hurt him anymore. I couldn't let him die.

I hit two of them, but not in any place that mattered. My aim was off. I was distracted by the image of Luke's face, bloody and beaten, and how weak his strong body had become. It wasn't long before one of them grabbed me. He delivered a punch to my stomach that was so powerful I was surprised I didn't puke. I gasped for air, coughing violently while they held onto me, rough arms wrapping around my biceps to hold me up.

"I have to say I'm surprised you're back." I almost didn't notice the disappointment in Ray's voice. I was too busy watching Luke, waiting for any signs of life in his unconscious body. "He'll live. You will, too."

My coughs finally subsided. Luke's hand twitched and with it, a sigh of relief left my lips. I turned my attention to the short man in front of me with a glare so hateful I was surprised it didn't burn a hole in his skull.

"I'm guessing it was Daniel that saved you last time." Ray continued. "And it will probably be him who comes to save you this time, too. Right?"

I didn't answer. He already knew.

"You keep in contact with him somehow, right?" Ray gestured for one of the guards to hand him our backpack. After rifling through it, he pulled out the flip phone. "Ah here we go. When is he expecting communication from you?"

I remained silent.

"Look, Lily. I'm not going to kill you. Or Luke. My brother had enough blood on his hands for the both of us."

I squinted at him, not for one second buying his attempt at playing the misunderstood bad guy. "Then let us go."

Ray raised his eyebrows. "So you can kill me? No. I have to settle this with your father first. It's between him and I."

"You didn't have a problem trying to kill me a year ago."

Ray frowned. "Felix went rogue when he went after you and Jane. I told him to let it go."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I never wanted you to die, Lily. You have no part of my quarrel with your father."

I struggled against the men holding me, anger and confusion making it hard to stand still. "But the basement. And the guys shooting at us."

"I didn't know who you were when you were held captive. You did kill Felix, though, and there had to be punishment." Ray explained. "None of my guards have attempted to kill you since I found out your identity. I do wish you extended the same courtesy to them."

"You're fucking crazy."

Ray sighed, looking at me like I was a five year-old throwing a temper tantrum. "I really must know, Lily. When is your father coming? The sooner I can talk to him, the sooner you can go home." Ray continued.

My eyes were looking down. His fight was with my father. I could set it up so Daniel got here just in time for an ambush. I could end this once and for all with the death of the person who created this mess in the first place.

As I was trying to decide, I found a little ant scurrying around so I followed it, distracting myself as I pondered his question. Even that ant must have had a family. He was born next to at least a hundred others, growing next to them in their little eggs before eventually working with them as adults. I knew they didn't have real emotions or bonds, but they were never alone. Always with a string of brothers and sisters behind them, a family.

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