Chapter 6 Hanging out with friends part 3

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"We have something to tell you guys." Me and Sky say. "wearewolves." Sky says really fast. In the matter of time they say okay casually like it was nothing. Then we go inside.

"How do you transform into wolves?" Bom says randomly.

"Well we concentrate on becoming a wolf or royal wolves have a special necklace that helps them want to become a wolf." I say.

"But if you tell anyone I swear you are dead." Sky finished that gave shivers down their throats.

We get inside then mall and all start looking for clothes. I found this really cute top with jeans that I love. After a really long day we went home. "Hey, I hope we can hang out again soon," Hyuna says pouting that the day is almost over.

"Okay well by guys." I say then we all bid our goodbyes. I walk inside my dorm to see the boys eating dinner.

"Oh hey Jay!" Sehun says happily to me.

"Well hey guys!" I exclaim back.

"Do you want any dinner? We just started eating a minute ago," D.O says with those owl eyes. "Sure just let me put these bags away." I say going upstairs. I walk into my room and put my bags on my dresser and grab my phone then head downstairs. I walk into the dinning room, grab a plate, fill it with food and sit down. "So Jay how about we say things about our selves so we know each other better." Suho says smiling. All the other boys said some things then it was my turn. "Well I was in boxing, gymnastics, and martial arts when I was four but stopped when I was 16." I say with a smile. (Jay is 17 and EXO is 16-19 in this book) All of the boys jaws dropped to beneath the underworld then I had to snap them out of it. "So that's how you beat me in martial arts." Tao says with a no wonder face. I just finished my dinner then I started to do the dishes. I washed all the dishes then went upstairs to my room. 'I should dye my hair' I thought then got out my hair dye. I dyed my hair to this

 I dyed my hair to this

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then went to sleep. I woke up to my alarm and got ready for school. I put on my uniform and did light make up and went downstairs. The boys were shocked to see my new hair color that they froze for a couple of seconds. I saw the time and it was almost time to go so made a quick fruit salad and put it in a mason jar and left.

I got to my locker and grabbed my pills, water and all my school work and headed inside the classroom. Some people were shocked to see my new hair color so I just ate my salad and went to Luna. "So you dyed your hair grey because Sky said she was going to dye her tips gold." Luna says just talking casually. "Yeah I just got bored with my hair color." I say with boredom. At that time the teacher came in and we started math first. We did a test yesterday and we got it handed back. "Hey Jay, what did you get on your math test." Chanyeol says casually. If you didn't know I got to know EXO and we became great friends. "I got 100%, how about you?" I say smiling. "I well I got 97%." He says happy about his score. Soon after a couple of classes it was lunch. After lunch it was a free time class. "So we are going to have a language relay." The teacher says. "So you have to work together with your partner and try to say hello, your name, height and age in that language on the bored." The teacher continues. We were all given a bell and were told to stand up. "The table that has the most points wins and gets any kinds of American and Korean candy." Everyone in the class wanted to win. "You don't have to talk to your partner about it if you know the speak that language." The teacher says then we start. "First English." Then I immediately press the bell that surprised many people. (Speaking in English) "Hello my name is Jay! I'm 5'7 and 17 years old." I say smiling. "Wow your super fluent in English! Did you get a professional English trainer?" He says happy. (the teacher) "No I'm half American." I say casually.

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