Chapter 9 Why?

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Chanyeol POV

All I heard was a gunshot. I started running for my life to get to the beach. When I got there, there was a sight that I'll never forget. There was a blonde haired girl with 9 tails and Lay pointing a gun at her. I looked closely at the girl and I gasped. It was Jay. "CHANYEOL! GET OUT OF HERE!" She yelled. I simply nod and tried to leave. A noticed there was a chain wrapped around my leg and before I knew it, I was dragged back.

"Nobody's leaving," I heard Lay say, "Plus he'll be perfect bait."

"I can't believe you'll do that to your friend." I heard Jay say.

"Well I will betray my friends to get revenge on you monsters." I swear the Lay I know isn't like this. He always forgets everything and is kind. He started shooting bullets at Jay.

"WATER WALL!" Jay said. I watched in shock that she can do that. I heard something behind me and it was everyone else. I Gasped in horror seeing how the were tied up.

"WATER NEBULA!" She says as she hits Lay with a water attack. It seems like I'm watching an anime series at the scene in front of me. I noticed the chain wrapped around my leg was getting loose. I got out of the chain trying not to make a sound. I successfully got out of the chain without Lay hearing. I slowly got up and stepped back. I gotten behind Lay and put him in a head lock.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Lay shouted as clear as possible.

"WATER CUFFS," Jay shouted. Cuffs made out of water surrounded Lay's hands and I backed away. I ran to everyone and started untying the rope all around them all.

"WATER METRIA!" A sudden water barrier went around Lay. He shouted in pain and dropped to the floor.

"What was that?" D.O said with his humongous eyes popping out of his head.

"I'm not sure either?" Suho exclaims while rubbing the nape of his neck. Unexpectedly, Jay drops to the ground.

"Jay!" I yell worried.

"She used to much power," Sky says, "She'll wake up in a couple of hours."

"How do you know?" I ask really confused.

"I'm just like her," Sky says with a really serious face. Almost everyone looked shocked. Luna, Bom, Hyuna and Bacon just had a blank expression.

"I'm guessing you guys knew?" I asked while pointing to the four of them.

"Yeah we knew." They said in sync.

"We better get back inside since its getting late," I say while grabbing Lay. We headed inside not knowing someone was watching us.

SORRY I FORGOT TO UPDATE!!!!!!!! Its short but I'm done with my language arts things. Next chapter will be sooner than you think. Maybe.

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