Chapter 12 I'M A WHAT?!??

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It's been another day at Jeju Island and we get to stay another week since our school was only cancelled because of construction. I'm not able to turn into a wolf which is strange. I need to ask my parents about that later today. Currently we are hiking since why not. "Jay, we've been calling your name for the past five minutes. Thinking about somethin?" Sky asked while skipping a rock along the riverside we stopped by.

"Can we talk in private?" I asked her. We are in a group with Lay, Kris, Chanyeol, Bom, and Suho. They gave us a nod and we left not to far away from them. "Okay, I'm not able to turn into a wolf anymore which is strange. Do you know what's happening or is it just me?" I sincerely ask her. I'm so confused right now. I'm a full blooded wolf so I should be able to turn into one like usual right? I need answers now!

"Well then I don't know what's happening but I think you're probably getting new powers."

"Okay." Our conversation ended there and we walked back to the others and it was seemed pretty normal. Bom was eating corn while listening to Suho talk about how the rest of EXO call him the walking wallet and Kris, Lay, and Chanyeol were arguing about how the taste of chicken is amazing. "Should we start walking again or wait?" I ask the rest.

"Yeah we should walk again," said Bom while holding her precious corn. What's up with her and canned corn? I always see her eating some. "Should we go back since we've been here for a long while because I think the others are walking back now?"

"Yeah we should. It's 9pm right now so we should pick up the pace." We all started speed walking to the hotel. I started to think about how I can't turn into a wolf anymore. I was too deep in thought that I didn't realize there was a broken off branch piece in front of me and a cliff really close by.

"Jay, watch out!" Chanyeol exclaimed. I snapped out of my thoughts and started falling. I tried flying but I couldn't. That's extremely strange. I need to get answers from my parents NOW!

"SKY! HELP ME!" I yelled while falling.

"I'M COMING, JUST WAIT!" She yelled back at me. I saw her figure coming closer to me. I looked down and saw that I was close to the ground. I panicked.

"Can you pick up pace please?" I murmured panicking. She grabbed my arm and we started to fly back up. I can't smell the fresh wind around me for some reason. What is happening to my inner wolf? We soon got back the others and I was in braced with a pair of arms surrounding me (or a hug).

"You scared me half to death Jay. You should stay alert of your surroundings so you don't take a fall again," Chanyeol lectured me. His cheeks were tinted a light pink. He let go of me and I looked down in sorrow.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. No actually all of you," I say looking down in shame.

"N-no do-don't apologize, it is my fault for lecturing you sorry Jay." Chanyeol says blushing scarlet. I simply nod and we started walking again. Soon enough, we got back to the hotel. I immediately went to my bed and collapsed on it. My feet hurt from all the walking and I just need a break. Everyone else is probably feeling the same. I walked to my closet, changing into pjs and went to my bed. I immediately fell asleep from the cosines of my bed.

I woke up and I realized it was 2am. I might as well go talk to my parents now. I grabbed my key and tried to opened a portal to their mansion. Somehow it wasn't working for me. I stood there puzzled, looking at the key. Why is it not working for me? Is this some kind of joke?

"Need help?" Damn that voice scared me half to death. I turned around and saw Sky with a grin on her face. "I knew this would happen sooner or later since your losing your wolf." She opened the portal and I stepped in. I was in the living room and my parents were there watching a movie.

"Mom, dad, we need to talk," I say out loud causing them to flinch for a second.

"Since when did you get here?" Asked my father a bit jungshook. (I'm sorry I had to) I noticed he had the book T.E.J.J with him. When does he not have it with him? I noticed the same marking as Lay and I's tattoos. It has to be related for sure and I'm going to need sincere answers about it.

"Just about a second ago," I simply reply. My face turned a lot more serious. "What is happening to me?" I asked with full seriousness. "I know that book that dad is holding is related to me and I want some answers."

"I don't know what your talking about Jaelin," my mother says calling me by my full name. Wow she's a really terrible liar. Does she think I'm going to fall for that trick?

"I know those last two letters stand for Jeon Jaelin but what are the other two?" I ask still being at top level of seriousness in my face and voice.

"Trust me Jaelin, it's really nothing." My father assures me. I'm not that stupid parents. Do you think you can still keep these secrets hidden? "The book isn't related to you."

"Mom, dad, what is happening to me?" I asked seriously. "You've been dodging my questions about the book T.E.J.J and I know it's related to me. I WANT ANSWERS NOW!" I shouted at them.

"Honey," my mom answered softly.

"Let's have this conversation lat-"

"NO I NEED ANSWERS NOW FATHER!" I yelled at my dad. They had eyes of sorrow looking down to the floor. I calmed down a bit and asked, "why do I have these side affects?"

"Becau-." My mother put an arm on my fathers mouth. I groaned in annoyance.

"What am I?" I asked my parents while deeply staring into their eyes.

"You're a demon."

Sorry I'm a bit late. In my time zone it's 12am on Monday so I'm late. I will update probably on Wednesday.

*inserts the funniest mmd about attack on titan ever*

I was dying when I first saw this earlier😂😂😂

Wanna hear a joke about Marco? Sorry I forgot half of it.

Okay I'll leave now

Okay I'll leave now

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