Chapter 13 The Bag

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"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" I shouted at them surprised. I had so many thoughts running through my head. How did this happen? Am I affected by some kind of curse? Did I die before or something?

"Honey, your last thought is correct. You died when you were 4 years old. We were ambushed by wolf hunters and they shot you then pushed you off a cliff. We were devastated when we heard you died at the hospital. Luckily Foster found a certain ritual for reviving the dead. We had to sacrifice something and you had to become a demon in order for you to live. Foster later in countered an old witch who can help us. She coasted it and she said you'll officially turn into a demon sometime at the age 17. It took about a year for you to be revived. If you haven't died, you would've been 18 right now. Sorry we didn't tell you sooner." My mother said sobbing her heart out. I was just jungshook. My father started pouring out a bit of tears as well. It must have been hard dealing with that pain. I feel absolutely terrible.

"I will be taking my leave now," I say bowing. I tear streamed down my face.

"Wait Jaelin, you'll need this," My mother says while getting out a backpack. I grabbed the bag and headed to the portal that was created. "It'll help you control your demon side so it will be a secret to the public."

"Thank you."

"And Jaelin dear?" My fathers cracking voice asked, "the one guy called Yixing is a demon as well. It was chosen to be since you both gotten closer together at this time. That's the reason both of you have the weird marking. It doesn't mean you have to be lovers though."

"Okay, I understand father. Bye." I went back to earth seeing everyone standing there waiting for me except for the girls. Suho, Lay, and Chanyeol had the biggest faces of worry while the rest had a simple expression of worry. We all were in the living room right by our suits. I was already cringing at how much lecturing I was going to get for leaving when I should've been sleeping right now. (*Inserts Monsta X's reality TV show Right Now*)

"What time is it Jay?" Suho asks ready to lecture me. I checked my phone to see what time it is and it read 4:11 a.m. I was screwed. "You shouldn't be leaving the hotel and come back at this time. It's so unbelievably late Jaelin. We were worried dearly. Tell us when you leave and WE will let you go if it's not too early or not too late Ms. Jeon Jaelin." Suho ended and everyone else agreed with him. I sighed. I absolutely hate lectures but seriously this puts it over the top. I hate feeling guilty when its not really that important to leave the house. They are just overreacting in this situation.

"Guys, I had to leave for something so it's not a big of a deal. Okay fine it's actually big but seriously don't worry about me. It's not like I'm not going to be kidnapped. If that supposedly happens, I can defend myself remember?" I say pointing out what I'm trying to say. Man they think I'm a baby. The one that's a baby is Sehun obviously.

"But seriously Jay, you have got to tell people where your going," Kris says to me in English. Yikes he's serious too. "And where did you go anyway?"

"And when are you going to confess to Sky?" I say trying to switch the topic. Kris started blushing madly, I thought his head was about to explode.

"PleAsE tAlk in KOrEAn." I heard Suho say in English. Kris and I didn't even say a word. I was waiting for his answer and I bet he was too shy to talk about it. Good thing I changed the topic. Well or so I thought.

"What's that your holding?" Asked Luhan pointing at the backpack. God dang it, why did this have to happen to me? Most importantly what do I tell them? I can't let them know that I'm a demon. What do I tell Lay as well? He's a demon with me but he doesn't know that. What do I tell Chanyeol too? I love him but what if he rejects me for being a demon? This is too hard!

"Uh Jay, your spacing out again," I heard Lay say. "But seriously, what is in that bag?" Damn it.

"Oh nothing important. I'm going to sleep now," I say trying to get out of this situation. But of course someone had to block the door and it was Krease. Why do you have to be a tower?

"What's. In. The. Bag?!" Chanyeol questionably shouted. I flinched in pure shock. He was the last person I'd think to shout at me.

"Just trust me, it's nothing you guys need to worry about," I say trying to get everyone to stop questioning my bag. None of them looked convinced to what I was saying. Kris looked away for a second and I escaped from everyone else.

"GUYS! SHE'S GETTING AWAY!" I heard someone yell. I was sprinting until I heard footsteps behind me. I was grabbed by the hoody I was wearing. I was turned around and saw the face who did that. It was my crush Chanyeol. We were at the stairs.

"What's in the bag or I'll take it myself?" He asked looking straight into my eyes. He leaned his face in almost talking mine. I bit my lip in frustration. Chanyeol sighed and tried to take the bag. We were pretty much playing tuggle war. "Just let me see the bag Jaelin," Why is everyone calling me by my real name? "Stop being stubborn."

"No it's mine!" I yell. On accident, I tripped. Me and Chanyeol started tumbling down the stairs. Chanyeol held me and held on to the bar to make us stop tumbling. We eventually stopped with me on the ground and Chanyeol barely on top of me. He quickly got off of me and I made a run for it. I made it to the girls suit and locked the door. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed. What a night.

Sorry for the extra extra late update but now I'll be updating sometime next week.

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