Chapter 10 T.E.J.J

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No Ones POV

Currently Lay and Jay are in beds unconscious. Everyone else was in that same room trying to get their mind off of them. Even though Lay tried to kill Jay, he was still badly injured. Suddenly black veins were growing on to Jay's skin. Her hair was turning white. She was becoming paler each second.


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"Sky, what's happening to Jay?" Asked a worried Chanyeol. He paused and started speaking again, "Is this supposed to happen?"

"I myself don't know what's happening but I'll see if anyone knows something about it," Sky had said. She grabbed a weird looking iPad and started typing right away. It seemed like her fingers were going at inhuman speed.

>>Meanwhile at another place>>

"Hyunsoo I know its happening. She'll know sooner or later," Eileen says with worry. She's currently worried about her daughter Jay.

"I know, It's quite hard keeping secrets from her, " Hyunsoo expresses. He was holding a globe that showed were Jay. He looked behind him seeing a book with the letters T.E.J.J.

"Jeon Jaelin," Hyunsoo murmurs saying Jay's full name, "I hope you can forgive us." He took the book and left the room with his wife. Tears slowly running down their faces.

<<Back to the boys and girls<< (Jay POV)

I woke up to see completely nothing but the color black right before my eyes. A light started admitting from behind me, I started walking toward it confused. Suddenly, I was transported to my old house in WolfLand. "Why do you always have the book with you dad?" I heard from afar, "You always have it 24/7." I walked over and gasped. It was my 9 year old self talking to my father. They probably can't see me right now. I walked a bit closer and accidentally stepped on a stick. "What was that?" Said my younger self. I was frozen and they looked in my direction.

"Well there's nothing there so it was probably a small animal," Said my dad. Am I a ghost or something? I proceeded to walk closer to their direction. I finally remembered this conversation. Dad wouldn't tell me about the book he was holding at all times.

"So are you going to tell me about the book?" My younger self asked.

"It's getting late so we better head back inside," says my dad. Wow great excuse. Suddenly, a painful burning in my heart erupted. I screamed in pain but it seems like they aren't able to hear me. Black veins started appearing on my skin. It felt like a million needles were burning into my skin.

"OUCHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed loud and clear yet my dad and younger self went inside the house. Black mist was admitting from my black veins on my arms. It suddenly became black and went unconscious from the pain.

No ones POV

Purple mist was admitting from Lay. He woke up confused why he was in a bed wrapped in bandages. "What happened?" Lay says really confused. He was scratching the back of his neck. "The last thing I remembered was going to talking to Jay late at night and going to sleep." Lay said and looked to see almost everyone having anger and hatred in their eyes.

"Guys calm down," says Sky calmly earning the attention of everyone in the room. Almost everyone was wondering why she was so calm when Lay almost killed her best friend. Sky continued talking, "It wasn't Lay's fault that he nearly killed Jay, he was being possessed."

"WAIT I WAS POSSESSED?!????" Lay yelled with eyes popping out of his head, "AND JAY ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF ME?!?????" Everyone was shocked except for Sky.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault Lay," Says Sky. She saw some purple particles on the ceiling and grabbed a chair and bucket.

"What are you doing Sky?" Kai asked.

"Look at the ceiling," She says while pointing her finger upwards. "I'm collecting the purple particles obviously." She stood up on the chair and reached up to get the particles. The chair started to shake then it broke. She closed her eyes and was waiting for herself to hit the floor but she was held in someone's arms. She opened her eyes to see Kris blushing. She blushed so hard, her face was rivaling the color red.

"KriKy should be the ship name!" Hyuna yelled earning a lot of agreements from the others. "Or it can be KriSk maybe?" (A/N which ship name do you want?)

"Oh shush!" Sky yells. Kris put her down and grabbed the bucket scooping all the particles in.

"Here." He says while blushing.

"Thanks." Sky says blushing as well. She grabbed the bucket and scurried away.

"It's already 12 am, we should go to sleep," says a yawning Suho. "We'll check on Jay in the morning how about that?" A lot of sures and fines were heard and they all headed out the room. Chanyeol was the last one in the room. He walked toward Jay and kissed her forehead.

"I hope your okay." He says while leaving the room. Little did he know, she was awake the whole time.


When I saw Chanyeol close the door, I was fangirling to the max. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE KISSED MY FOREHEAD!!!!! Okay Jay calm down, someone might hear you. I might as well go to sleep since I have nothing else to do. With that I closed my eyes and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

>>Same Time With Jay's Parents>>(Hyunsoo's POV (Jay's dad's POV))

"We have to tell her NOW!" Yelled my wife Eileen. I flinched for a second since this is the first time she yelled at me. She calmed down and started speaking again, "It's going to happen more frequent Hyunsoo, it'll be for the better."

"I know we have to tell her but I'm still afraid she'll hate us forever," I say about to tear up while staring straight into Eileen's eyes.

"She'll start asking us why she's not turning into a wolf anymore probably in a couple of days. Only some of us know that she's turning into her orginal form," Eileen murmured depressed.

"Honey I will tell her soon, don't worry okay?" I say.


"Oh and its your turn to see Foster later," I say taking the book T.E.J.J. "I'll be out for a while." I say while leaving the living room. I'm worried about Jay, I knew this was going to happen soon but, not this soon.

I know I said the chapter will be longer than the other ones but I thought of making two chapters because I didn't want it to give too much information about what's going to happen. I'm sorry that I'm taking a while to do this chapter because I forgot to post it a week ago. I swear I can be forgetting sometimes. It's kind of a plot twist no it's a plot twist because I didn't want to end the book on chapter 13. If you seen a specific anime series, then you'll king of know what's going to happen. I'm not going to say the anime series though. Now I'll be working on the next chapter. >>>>>

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