Chapter 1

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"Lydia! Wake up! Wake up!" I felt someone jump on me.
"What the heck? It's like 2am." I said kicking whoever was on me.
"First of all, stop kicking me. Second of all, it's 8am." It was Hayes. My annoying twin brother.
"Okay! I'm getting up." I pushed him off the bed with a plop.
I went to my bathroom and got ready for the day. I took a shower and let my hair air dry. Then I put on deodorant and perfume. I'm not a makeup kind of girl. I have long dark brown hair and brown eyes. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. How? Hayes and Nash have bright blue eyes. Yeah- I don't get it either.
I put on jeans, my white Myrtle Beach sweatshirt, and white converse.

I got a text from Jake. My boyfriend.
"When are you leaving?" He texted.
"About 20 minutes." I replied.
"Oh, okay. It's not too late for you to stay." He texted back.
"Jake, you know I've been so excited to this." I replied.
He didn't respond.

Today we are leaving for Magcon.
Nash, Hayes, and I have been asked to join.
Nash is my older brother.
"Lydia! The limo is here!" Hayes shouted.
"Okay, okay! I'm coming." I shouted back.
My bags were all packed and in the limo.
We said goodbye to our parents and we were off.

"5 minutes away from the airport." The limo driver told us.
"Okay, thanks!" I shouted back.
I was actually kinda nervous. Hanging around guys at all times. At least I'll have some fans.

We walked into the airport with our luggage trailing behind us.
Nash and Hayes were a few paces in front of me. I was on Twitter.
I follow Common White Girl.
She's hilarious.

"Flight 563 is now boarding." I heard over the intercom.
I loved the airport- it was so fancy and organized. We were supposed to meet everyone at the hotel in Myrtle Beach.
That's where our Magcon is being held at.
"That's us!" Hayes said jumping up and down.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the guy twin.
We got on and it was Hayes & I sharing a row, and then Nash was right across the aisle from us.
I got the window seat.
I decided to fall asleep because I was tired and low-key nervous.


I woke up on Nash's back.
"What the heck? Put me down!" I shouted slightly confused.
"You were so sound asleep, we didn't want to wake you." Nash said putting me down.
"Oh, okay thanks." I smiled and headed to grab my luggage.
Then I saw a guy with dark brown hair, chocolate chip brown eyes, and I would say over 6 feet tall. He was perfect.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I have a boyfriend. But I couldn't help myself.
"Who is that?" I asked staring from afar.
"What?" Hayes said looking up from his phone.
"That guy over there." I nodded my head his way.
"Oh! Yeah, that's Shawn Mendes." He said like he knew him already.
"You know him?" I quickly asked.
"Yeah, but I've never met him in person. Just over YouTube and vine. He'll be on Magcon with us." Nash said.
"Oh, okay. Cool!" They laughed at me.
"You should go over and say hi." Hayes winked.
"No, call him over." I got defensive.
"Okay, scaredy-cat!" He joked.
I snarled.
"Shawn!" He yelled.
"Hayes?" He asked and started walking over here.
They did their bro hug thing.
"Hi, I'm Lydia." I said sweetly.
"Hey, I'm Shawn." He said and then winked.

Nash had been in the bathroom this whole time. He walked out fixing his hair.
"Shawn?" He asked.
"Nash? Hey bud! It's so nice to meet you all!" Shawn replied.
They all talked for awhile and I sat on my luggage on Pinterest.
Finally Nash got his last bag.
"Are we all getting picked up?" I asked.
"Yeah, but we have an hour until Matt flies in. Everyone else is already at the hotel. So they are only sending one limo. At 3:00." Shawn announced.

"I saw an Applebee's on the map of the airport." I said pulling it out.
Shawn came over and stood over me looking at the map too.
"Yeah, it's only around the corner." Nash said.
"Sounds good to me! FOOD!" Hayes agreed still looking at his phone.


We walked into the restaurant.
I looked over and Hayes was still on his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked.
"Tweeting." He smiled down at me.
Hayes was like 5'10, Nash was 6', and Shawn was 6'2. I was 5'8.
"You do know that you're very famous now. Fans might show up." I said seriously.
"Nah, they won't. That's stalking." He said looking back at his phone.
We sat down and ordered our drinks.
I was sitting next to Hayes and then across from me was Nash and Shawn.

"Whatever." I said pulling out my phone.
I tweeted, "Brothers never listen😜".
Almost 2 seconds later I had 4,000 retweets, and 7,000 likes.
Wow. And I'm only 15 years old.
So is Hayes. Nash is 17. Shawn is 16.

I saw a mob of fans getting stopped by Shawn's bodyguard at the front of the restaurant.
"Ha!" I yelled at Hayes.
He rolled his eyes and slid down in his seat.

We were done with lunch and we're waiting for Matt at the airport.
Finally he walked out. Hayes knew him pretty well. They have met before to record vines together.

We all got in the limo. I was in between Shawn and Hayes.
"I watch your vines. They are really amazing." Shawn said blushing.
"Thanks. I'm really working on posting more." I smiled.
"Me too! It's so hard with school. But I guess it'll be easier being here." He pulled out his phone.
"What's your snapchat?" He said opening it up.
I opened the app up and we exchanged usernames on EVERYTHING.
I pushed the record button on snapchat and said," Hey guys! This is Shawn." I said. He waved and said, "Hey guys! I'm a model, actor, singer, director..." He said counting on his fingers.
Then it ended. We started laughing really hard.
"We're here!" Matt said.
"Yay!" My eyes lit up.

I walked in and my eyes widened.
"This is so nice." I said looking up at the chandelier.

I've been to Myrtle Beach a million times, but I've stayed at 3 or 4 star hotels. This broke my scale. A complete 10!

"Yeah, it's the best in town." Shawn said agreeing.
We all met in the ballroom.
Bart was the manager and came to greet us.
"Shawn, Matt, Nash, Lydia, and Hayes- thank you so much for coming." He said kindly.
"Hi, thanks for having me." I smiled.
"Now the rest of the guys are upstairs unpacking. You all are on floor 5. Here are your packets with room assignments, and room keys." He handed the packet to Shawn.

"Okay cool thanks!" Shawn replied.
We all gathered in the elevator.
Room assignments;
Hayes & Lydia
Nash & Cam
Shawn & Matt
Carter & Aaron
Jack G & Jack J
Taylor got his own room.

"Yay! Roomies!" I said joking around towards Hayes.
"Yay. So much fun." He said with no enthusiasm.
I kissed his cheek and he wiped it off.

I walked into our room and called the bed next to the window.
"Woah, this is nice." I said.
We were all connected. One big suite.
We all share a living room, kitchen, and dining room. But we all have our own rooms. (Except we share with a roommate.)
I unpacked and then plopped on the couch. I got out my beats pill.
I scrolled down and turned on "Can't Stop The Feeling" by Justin Timberlake.
Shawn walked out of his room dancing.
I started laughing.
"Shawn, you need lessons."
"Excuse me! I'm an amazing dancer!" He defended himself.
"Uh-huh...." I said sarcastically.
He grabbed my hands and started dancing with me.
I was belting out the lyrics.
"Got this feeling in my body.."

"You're the only girl, right?" Cam asked.
"Yup!" I screamed over the music.
All the guys exchanged glances. I just ignored them. Whatever. I have a boyfriend.

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