Chapter 9

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Whoever can guess what two songs (they are both by Shawn😇) this story is based on, I will put you in the story. And where I'll put you is a surprise🤗 just dm me! ❤️

Lydia's POV----

Ever since we got back from that sketchy and weird hotel- I've been aching all over.
"Shawn?" I asked.
"Yep." He answered quickly.
"When I was there. I was tied up at my ankles. And some guy was there. He was talking to someone else on the phone. I was so scared." I began to cry. "I felt like I was going to die." I confessed.
"Lydia, no more walks. You are to always say with me. And by the way, I told Bart about the pictures. He feels really bad." Shawn's face turned sad.
"And I do too." A tear slid down his cheek onto his shirt.
"Shawn, please don't cry. I'm fine see." I tried to smile but my head hurt so bad I winced at the pain.
"Lay down and go to sleep. You look like you haven't slept well in ages." Shawn covered me up and then kissed my forehead.
He turned off all the lights and walked out of my room to the living room where all the guys were.


After a few hours I felt a lot better. I was in the bathroom getting ready for a party tonight. It was Camila's 19th birthday party!
"Lydia? You feeling better?" Nash knocked on the door. I opened it.
"Yep. I'm just curling my hair." I smiled and continued curling.
"Okay good. I was really worried." Hayes butted in.
"I'm alright, I promise. Now let me get ready!" I pushed them out the door.
I was going to have a good night. As long as that guy isn't there.

"Ready to go?" Shawn asked.
"Yep." I grabbed my clutch and we headed downstairs.
The guys were waiting for us in the limo.
We got in and drove off.
"Guys. Guys. GUYS!" I got their attention.
They all looked at me plain-faced.
"Jake might be there. I don't know for sure." I started to stutter a little bit.
"It'll be fine. We got your back." Matt winked.
"Okay. I just want to have fun tonight." I smiled.

We arrived at the party and I instantly scanned the room.
Nothing but celebrities.
"Camila!" I shouted and ran over to her.
"I'm such a fan. I know we've never met and this is kinda awkward...." I started to laugh.
"Lydia! I'm your biggest fan! I love your covers on YouTube." She said flipping her hair behind her shoulders.
"Aw, that's so sweet. Happy Birthday!" I said.
"Thanks for coming." We did one last hug and then I walked around to see if anyone else recognized me.

"Lydia?" I turned around and saw that it was Selena Gomez.
"Your Selena Gomez!" I blurted out.
"Whoops, sorry. I'm just a huge fan. Since day 1 of Wizards of Waverly Place." I started laughing.
She laughed a little too. "Thanks!"
"You're part of Magcon, right? And you're dating Shawn?" She asked.
Just then Shawn came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Does that answer your question?" We all laughed.

We walked around more and I met so many celebrities!
The Vamps, Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter, Rowan Blanchard, Peyton Meyer. I was starstruck.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back. You stay right here." Shawn said walking towards the long line of people.

I stood there with my lemonade scanning the room.
"Hey." A random good-looking guy said.
"Um, hey. Do I know you?" I asked confused.
"I'm not very good with names and faces." I giggled.
"It's Derek. You know- from Magcon. I worked the merch booths a couple weeks ago." He said.
I felt bad that I didn't recognize him.
"Oh, yeah! I'm sorry. By the way- you must've done great because my shirts sold out. We ordered a new shipment." I tried to soften things up.
"Oh, yeah. That's why I came over to talk to you. Bart asked me to ask you which shirt you want the fans to buy. He has some new designs." Derek said.
"Oh okay, where are they?" I asked. Shawn was still in the bathroom.
"They're out in my car, would you mind coming out to choose for like one sec?" He asked.
I looked over and Shawn was still in the bathroom line.
"Yeah, sure. But quick!" I smirked.

He grabbed my hand and led me to his truck.
"What does your car look like?" I asked after a few minutes of walking to the parking lot.
"It's blue with huge tires." He got out his keys.
-beep beep- I heard the unlock go off.
"Here it is." He said opening the car door for me. He shut the door and walked around to the drivers seat.
He out on his seat belt. Why? We were only doing this for a second.
He locked the doors and then started the car.
"What are you doing?" I shouted and tried to open the door.
He backed out and then we drove off.
"I need my money and Jake needs you. Simple as that." He explained.
"So you aren't Derek from merch?" I asked.
"Nope, I'm Andrew. The one who tied you up and kidnapped you last night." He smiled as if he already knew he won.
"You won't get away with this. Shawn came back for me last time- he'll come back again." I felt like I was in The Avengers.

Shawn's POV----

"Has anyone seen Lydia?" I asked as I walked by everyone.
"I saw her go outside with some hot looking guy." Camila said licking her lips.
"Believe me, he was HOT!" She started to laugh.
"Which way did they go?" I started to get worried.
"Right, down to the parking lot I think." Camila looked so tired. But not drunk, so that's good.

I ran to the lot and saw no signs of Lydia.
Then my phone buzzed.
"Lydia wants to share her location with you." Siri said aloud.
I clicked yes.
"Lydia is heading south on 43." Siri told me.
I hopped in the limo and told the driver where to go. We are going to follow whoever is with her.
"Blue truck?" I texted Lydia.
"Yuphskeb." She texted back.
She's probably butt texting me because she doesn't want the guy to see.
"*yep!" I received.
"Don't worry. I'm coming." I replied.

Lydia's POV---

The car came to a stop. I jumped out and tried to make a run for it.
But it was all woods.
How is Shawn going to find me now? There's no signal out here.

Andrew sat on the porch waiting for something.
I glanced at his hand and he had a gun in it.
I gulped. What the heck is going on?

AUTHOR'S NOTE:::: make that 3 parts😂
Hope you like it so far! It'll get better😜

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