Chapter 44

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It had been a week since the accident.
Shawn had been doing really well. He really wants me to go back on tour....but I don't want to leave him.

"Shawn, I'm sorry but I don't want to leave you." I said at breakfast in front of everyone.
"Then I'll come." Shawn said looking me right in the eyes.
"Shawn, no! You love it here. I'm not going to keep you from that." I argued.
"You are just as stubborn as I am." He scoffed.
"My specialty." I winked.

"You guys are disgusting." Hayes said.
"What do you mean?" My eyes widened.
"Just make a decision." He said plainly.
"Shawn. I'm staying here." I said eating my pancakes.
He stood up and slammed his chair against the table and walked upstairs to the room.

I finished my breakfast and got Shawn a to-go box with his breakfast in it.
I knocked on the door.
"Come in." He said.
I walked in holding French toast and milk.
I sat it down on the table and Shawn walked over and started eating it.
"Shawn?" I asked.
"Lydia. I love you way too much to let you throw all of this away." He set down his fork.

"Shawn, please look from my perspective." I argued.
"I was singing and having fun....and then I wake up at 2am to Matt saying you've been in an accident and you're unconscious." I started to tear up.
He grabbed my waist and sat me on his leg.
"I'm sorry. I just don't think I'm worth it. I feel like I'm the reason that you're not going to boost your career." He his head shook.

"Shawn, look me right in the eyes and tell me that you want to leave Magcon." I said as serious as I could.
"I can't." He said looking me right in the eyes.
"They're my family. But I love you a hundred times more." He stood up and I stood in front of him.
"Lydia, I think we need a break." I couldn't believe the words came out his mouth.
"Shawn, no! Please!" I started to cry.
"You need to go on that tour and I'm not going to stand in the way of that." He stood strong.

"You're supposed to break up with someone because you're not in love with them. Not because you're completely in love with them." I said and then walked out. Shutting the door tight.

I walked to Chloe and Nash's room.
"I'm going on the tour by myself. Chloe you love Nash, stick with him." I said with tears running down my cheeks.
"Lydia, what happened?" Chloe got up from the bed and ran over to me.
"We're done." I said and then ran downstairs to the tour bus.
I got on and the memories filled my mind.

When Chloe and I got up at night to have midnight snacks together.....Shawn and I FaceTiming.....Jackson yelling "that's a wrap!" After every performance....

I'm ready for this. I'm doing it.

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