Chapter 2

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--beep, beep, beep--

My alarm went off. Ugh.
I rolled over and used my pillow to cover my ears.
"Wake up sleepy head!" Nash yelled across the hall.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled back.

Yes, I started my period. I feel like crap. Cramps are taking over my body.

Hayes was sitting on his bed.
"Hayes? Could you bring me some water? I need midol." I said with my head still in my pillow.
"Ew, girl stuff. But yeah. Be right back." He got up and left for the kitchen.
I got up and scratched my head.
I could careless who sees me.
I grabbed 2 midol and walked into the kitchen.
Hayes was laying on the couch.
"Hayes? What the heck?" I yelled.
"Oh, yeah! Hey everyone- Lydia is on her period! She needs water." He stuck his tongue out.
I stood there completely unamused.
"Funny. By the way- I'm going to kill you." I said back.
He just put in his headphones.
"Hey, I have a sister. I know what will make you feel better." Shawn said walking over.
I grabbed a water bottle and took my pills. "What is it?" I winced at the pain.
"Come here." He said.

I walked over to him. He grabbed me by the waist and put his hands on my back. He started to massage me.
I moaned in pleasure. I had so many knots in my back it was unreal.
"Sorry about my back, it's disgusting with all of the knots." I said half asleep.
"It's actually not that bad." Shawn made me feel better.
He kept massaging me.
"Okay, I've put you through enough. Thanks for the massage." I said about 20 minutes later.
"No problem. Anytime." He smirked.
We have become really close friends.

I walked into my room and took a shower. The midol had finally kicked in. I put on some jeans, a sweatshirt, and converse.
I kept my hair slightly wavy and then walked back into the living room.

"Hey, we are all going to the mall. Wanna come?" Shawn asked.
"Yeah! Sounds like fun." I answered.

"You feeling better?" Shawn asked.
"Yeah, just kinda tired." I replied.

When you're on your period, you feel tired all the time. You feel like you don't want to do anything most of the time. But, I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with everyone. So I'm going shopping.

We all walked downstairs and got into the limo. I sat in between Shawn and Nash.
"I really need to get a new pair of vans." Hayes said.
"I can help you with that." I said.

I love picking out clothes, choosing outfits, and SHOPPING!
I'm your average girly-girl.
I also can be a tom-boy.
I guess it depends on who I am around.

We were walking around the mall and I saw some fans taking pictures with Shawn.
"Hey!" I yelled.
"Hey, guys this is Lydia. She's has an amazing voice." Shawn complemented me.
"Hi guys! What's up?" I said.
"Wait? You did the cover of titanium right?" A fan asked.
"Yep, that's me. Thanks for remembering! You're so sweet." I answered.

"Bye guys! Thanks for everything!" Shawn said leaving the fans.
"Sorry about that. I never say no to a fan." He said.
"No problem. That's actually really sweet." I smiled back at him. He gently grabbed my hand. I got butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm sorry Shawn, I have a boyfriend." I pulled away.
"Lydia, I'm so sorry!! I didn't know-" he said apologizing.
"It's okay. Simple mistake." I shook it off.
Just then my phone lit up.
It was a Twitter post.
"Shawn's new girl?" Was the title. It was picture of us two holding hands.

"Shawn, look." I showed him my phone.
He looked around the mall to see who did it.
He couldn't spot anyone.
"Wow. They were fast." He joked about it.
"Uh-huh." I kept walking with him. But, slightly dying inside.

Here's the thing- Jake and I dated in the 7th and 8th grade. It was PERFECT! But then he cheated on me with Ally Johnson. Yuck! She's the girl that goes from guy to guy.
I was heartbroken. Then she dumped him.
He came crawling back to me. He threatened to spread fake rumors about me. So, I kinda had to take him back. So, I'm almost a sophomore and we've been dating for about 8 months.
Don't get me wrong- I love him. But he scares me. If I'm out with friends, he constantly is texting me and asking me where I am.
One time, I was out eating Pizza with some friends and he was so jealous that he came and picked me up, he grabbed me by the arm and drug me out. He's a junior. So he has his license. That was the first night he beat me up.
He took me to his house and took me up to his room. He threw me on his bed and started to slap and punch me. Then kick me. I just laid there helpless. Then he walked out.
His parents are never home. His Mom left him awhile ago. So his dad is never home and is always out drinking. He does that too.
I'm just scared, what if he sees this picture?

"Lydia? Earth to Lydia! You okay?" Shawn kept repeating.
"Oh, sorry!!" I fake smiled.
"It's okay, but you just got really pale." He looked worried.
"I did? I guess I'm just a little tired. That's all." I shook it off.
"Oh okay, well we have to go back to the hotel now. We have M&G in one hour." He reminded me.
"Oh yeah! Thanks!" I said running towards the limo.
We got inside and everyone was staring at us.
"So, you two?" Nash winked.
I sat there in the corner feeling like I'm going to throw up.
"I thought you had a boyfriend." Hayes said without thinking.
"It was just a misunderstanding." Shawn cleared the air.
I let a tear slip. Shoot. I'm just so scared.
Jake was supposed to come up tonight. I wonder if he's seen it. Ugh.
I checked my phone.
5 missed calls from Jake. Shoot.
I texted him: See you tonight! Doing makeup!
He replied: yeah right. Be ready for tonight.

We got to the hotel and I ran into my bathroom.
I started to throw up. Whenever I get nervous or scared I throw up.
Hayes knocked on the door.
"Lydia? Are you okay?" He asked.
He opened the door and saw me hunched over the toilet.
He knew about Jake and I but he thought that he had stopped abusing me.
"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous." I smiled.
"Okay, here's some water and a towel. Get ready! And stop throwing up. You'll do great!" He smiled and walked out.

What am I going to do?

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