Chapter 40

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It had been 3 hours of waiting and crying.
I had never been so worried.
Shawn could die. Or he could live.
Nash and Chloe were out getting coffee and food.
We needed to stay up late.
I'm not sleeping until Shawn wakes up and is out of this hospital.
Matt was sitting beside me.
"Matt, I'm sorry that I got kinda frustrated with you on the phone." I said breaking the silence.
"Don't worry about it. You had a very good reason." He said wrapping his arm around me.
"What if he doesn't make it?" I asked.
Matt seemed surprised.
"I hadn't thought of that." His face turning sad.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it." My face turned red.
"Lydia, Shawn is your boyfriend. Don't apologize for anything. I understand." He gave me a hug.

We sat there for another 20 minutes. And then Chloe and Nash came in with Wendy's chicken and coffee.
Nash handed me my food and I sat there not touching any of it.
"Lydia, you have to eat." Nash consulted me.
"You don't know what it feels like! MY BOYFRIEND IS UNCONSCIOUS!" I yelled and then ran into the bathroom.

"Lydia? You in there?" Chloe knocked on my stall.
I sat there in silence.
"I understand. You need some alone time. Come out when you feel better." She said slipping a makeup wipe underneath the door.
I loved her.

I washed my makeup off and the thoughts of Shawn filled my mind.
What if he doesn't make it??

No engagement ring.
No walking down the aisle.
No honeymoon.
No having kids.
No grandchildren.

I stood there face to face with the mirror.

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