Chapter 33

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-2 weeks until tour-

"Good morning!" I yelled at Shawn. He was still in bed and it was 11am.
"What the heck? Oh it's just you." He rolled over.
I jumped on top of him.
"Just me? What do you mean?" I asked laying down on top of him.
"You won't slap cam me. The guys would, but not you." He kissed my cheek.
"Oh." I smiled.
"Today's the day that I tell Chloe I'll be leaving in two weeks." My face fell.
I loved hanging with them....but it was an AMAZING offer.

"Hey Chloe, wanna grab some Starbucks down in the lobby?" I asked walking into her & Nash's room.
"Yeah, sure. Let's go." We grabbed our phones and walked downstairs.
"So, there's something I have to tell you." I started off.
"Oh, really...." She replied sipping her latte.
"I am going on a world tour!!" I gave a huge smile.
"OMG! That's amazing! When is it?" She asked.
"In two weeks. That's the bad part." My smile flipped upside down.
"Lydia, it's okay." She comforted me.
"It's just hard. I'm going to miss you guys so much." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
Shoot. I was crying.

Chloe looked uncomfortable. Like she was mad. I know this is a bad situation but what am I supposed to do?

"I'm gonna go back upstairs. I'll see you there later." She got up and left.
What the heck?

I called Shawn.

S- hey! How'd it go?
L- she took it well...then she got up and left me here alone.
S- Lydia, there's a clear answer to this.
L- what is it?
S- ask her to go with you!!
L- but she's with Nash. I wouldn't split them up.
S- you think about it. Come back upstairs. I miss you.
L- okay. Be there in 2.

I hung up. Wow. Is that why she was mad?

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