Chapter 16

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"Just try them on, please?" Chloe whined.
"No. They are super expensive." I argue.
"Lydia, I'm not sure if you've noticed this- but you have enough money to buy shoes. I mean, come on! You won the best new artist. And you do Magcon about 2 times a week." She smiled when she was done talking.

She was right, I have been really stingy with my money. I just don't want to spend.
"I'll try them on. That's it." I give in.

They are white high heels with straps.
They gave me about 3 extra inches.
I liked the height.
"Fine! I'll get them! But just this once." I take the shoes off and run to the cash register.


We only had one more store to look through.
And that store was Starbucks!
"I'll have a strawberry lemonade refresher please." I tell the cashier.

We pay and then walk back to the limo.
But just before we get in- some fans ask for pictures.
"Yeah, but let's make this quick." I smiled.

I took about 10 pictures and then got into the limo.
Fans peaked in and started screaming. Wow.

I remember when I was a fangirl.


"Hey! Ready to film the video?" Cam asked as I walk in the door.
"Yep, let me just put my bags in my closet real fast." I run into my room and fling my bags on my bed. Then I try to find Shawn.

"Shawn?" I walk into his room.
"Didn't he tell you? He is flying back to Toronto today." Cam looked plain-faced.
"WHAT?? Why??" I scream.
"His sister, Aaliyah is in the hospital." He shook his head back and forth.

I grab my phone and call him.
"Shawn...pick up pick up pick up!" I yell.
Finally he answers. "Hello?"
"Hello? That's all you have to say? Why is Aaliyah in the hospital?" I practically shout into the phone.
"She fell down the stairs and broke her arm." Shawn sounded worried.
"Oh, is she going to be okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, she'll be fine. I'm coming back tomorrow. I was just worried. I'm sorry I didn't call and tell you." He apologized.
"It's okay. I was just worried. I hope Aaliyah feels better. Love you." I hung up.

"Hey guys! It's Lydia. I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've just been really busy." I started my live stream on you-now. We decided that would be better.
"I have a special guest today- Cameron Dallas." I clapped as he walked over towards me and the camera.
"He's going to read my questions off Twitter. So tweet me questions! Use the hashtag, questionsforlydia." I continued.

Then Cam's phone went CRAZY! He had the notifications on so that if anyone tweets out that hashtag his phone buzzes.

"Are you and Shawn still dating?" Cam asked the first question.
"Yep! Still are. I wish he could be here, but he's in Toronto with his family until tomorrow." I said with a pouty face.
I face timed him in front of the live stream.
"Hey guys! Shawn is FaceTime-ing me!" I said.

After an hour of questions and fun we finally turned off the camera.
I was tired and it was around 10 at night.
"I have a strange craving for pizza." Chloe laughed.
"Me too." I agreed.
We called Papa John's pizza and they arrived about 20 minutes later.

"This fulfilled me craving." Chloe said with food in her mouth.
"YOU GUYS GOT PIZZA?" Hayes yelled.
"Yup! It's yummy and almost all gone." I smirked.
"Whatever. Anyway we have Magcon tomorrow night. Last one in Orlando! What should we do?" He asked.
"I'm singing All Of Me, Heart Attack, and Sit Still Look Pretty." I replied.
"Should we do a Q & A?" Nash walked in and asked.
"Eh, those take forever." Hayes rolled his eyes.
"What about a dance off?" Chloe suggested.
"That could be fun." I agreed.
"I'd be up for that." Taylor said with his eyes on the TV screen.
"But what else? We need something that will blow them away!" Hayes sounded like my dad.
Over- dramatic and determined.

"I have a brilliant idea!" Matt said with a grin.
"Let's have a scavenger hunt! We all hide around the hotel, and they have to find us. We'll give them clues." He started to get excited and jump up and down.
"That is awesome!" I got up and got pens and paper.
This was going to be so much fun!

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