Chapter 14

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"And the winner for best new artist is......"

I felt like a kid on Christmas morning opening up a big present.
It could either be a huge sack of clothes, or a bike!
I squeezed Shawn's hand until he pulled away.
"Ow!" He exclaimed.

"Lydia Grier!" Dove said into the mic.
I ran up on stage dragging Shawn behind me.

Dove handed me the mic.
"Thank you all so much! I couldn't have done this without my fans. I owe it all to you. And my boyfriend Shawn. I would've been singing without a guitar."
The crowd laughed.
"I love you all!" I passed the mic back to Dove.

"Shawn!!!! WE DID IT!!!" I jumped on him backstage.
Then Nash, Hayes, and Chloe walked in.
"Congrats!!!" Chloe came over and gave me a hug.
"Thank you!!" I started to cry.
"Aw! Don't cry." She rubbed my back.
"I was just so nervous....and now all of that is gone! I WON!! HAHA!" I yelled.
Then Sofia walked in.
"Omg! You did amazing!" She said coming over to give me a hug.
"You did too! I wish there were two awards because you would've gotten the other one!!" I replied hugging her back.
"It's fine! There's always next year. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to write a song with me?" She asked cracking a smile.

"Um...DUH!" I screamed a little.
"Okay, my manager will set up some times with you! See ya!" She twinkled her fingers and walked out.
"Is this real life?" I said pinching myself.
"Yep, now you have VIP pictures outside- let's go." Shawn practically pushed me out the door.
I was late....

HEY GUYS!!!! I am going to the Show of The Summer with some of my friends! Super excited. It's August 20th in Hershey Pennsylvania. If any of you are going, dm me🤘😜
I sadly have writers block. Give me some ideas. I need some inspiration! 🤗
Love y'all 💋💋

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