Chapter 17

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Lydia's POV----

"SHAWN!" I ran into his arms and tackled him to the ground.
"Lydia, I was gone for 24 hours." He stood up still holding me.
"I know, that's the longest I've been away from you." I say clutching onto him.
"I missed you too." He kissed my forehead.
"Good, you're here. Finally. Lydia, did you tell him the plan yet?" Nash asked.
"Yep, I told him about the scavenger hunt last night over text." I smiled still not letting go of Shawn.

"Okay, we have 10 minutes until Magcon starts. Let's go hide." Nash shout whispered to us.
We all put our hands in.
"1,2,3, BREAK!" We all ran opposite directions.
We all had partners.
Matt & Carter
Nash & Chloe
Taylor & Aaron
Me & Shawn
Jack & Jack
Hayes & Cam
And Bart was the one who's going to explain to our fans what is happening.
Shawn and I were heading to the ice machine & vending. We were going to hide behind there.
Everyone else had a specific spot. The only rule was no hiding in hotel rooms.

After about 20 minutes of nothing but sitting behind dusty vending machines- some fans ran near us.
I held my breathe. I looked at Shawn. His eyes widened.
They walked over to us.
"We found Shawn & Lydia!" They screamed.
They grab us and take us to the Magcon center.
I looked around and didn't see anyone else.
"Were we the first ones to be found? We are so bad at hiding." I laughed.
"Whatever. We can practice for the show." He grabbed my hand and led me on stage.

"I'll be needing stitches....." Shawn sang.

"Your turn!" He finished and handed me the mic.
"Okay." I placed the mic on the stand and began to sing All Of Me.
"What would I do without your smart mouth?" I winked at Shawn.
He came over and started to sing with me.
"Cause I give you all of me..." He sang.
Wow. How am I so lucky? He's perfect.

We stared into each other's eyes. Then we stopped singing.
His hands slowly went to my cheeks.
He gently held my face in his hands.
Then he leaned in. I followed his lead.
Then our lips touched. I moved to the rhythm of his lips.
I put my hands on his shoulders and his hands slid down to my waist.
Then after about 20 seconds- I heard clapping.
I pulled back and looked out to see a bunch of fan girls clapping.
Shawn looks at them and then looks at me.
We lean in until our foreheads touch and we stare into each other's eyes.
"We can't ever be alone." I kiss his cheek and then we separate.
I started to blush. That was such a good kiss. AND A WHOLE FREAKING AUDIENCE SAW IT!!! WHAT THE HECK?!?! Ugh.

Author's Note::: hey guys! You should check out my other story. It's a Shawn Mendes fanfic too. It's called Best Friends. It's different from this. Love ya!!

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