Chapter 39

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I sat down on the bench right in front of the glass window where Shawn was.
My tear stained cheeks were red from all of my crying.
"I want to take full responsibility." Nash said all of the sudden.
"Nash, what are you talking about?" I asked harshly.
"I'm the one who pushed him into taking us to Taku. Lydia- I'm so sorry!!" He started crying with his face in his hands.
I scooted over to him.
"Look at me. This is not your fault. This is whoever ran into Shawn's car fault." I said giving him a hug.
Then I saw Hayes walk towards us from down the hall.
"Hayes!" I ran towards him.
"You're okay!" I said hugging him.
"Yeah, I'm good. I just have a minor concussion and bruises.....everywhere." He said.
I made him sit down on the bench and take a nap.

Then the blinds closed. what was going on!?
I saw nurses and doctors running into his room.
"What's wrong with him?!?" I shouted.
A nurse saw me standing at the window trying to peak in but there was no way.
"Miss, if you'll take a seat- I'll find out what's going on." She kindly gestured me to a chair.
I looked at Chloe and she smiled at me.
"Lydia, deep breathes. You're doing great. We just need Shawn to do his best right now." She said grabbing my hands.

"I'll be needing stitches! Tripping over myself. Aching, begging you to come help." I started to whisper sing.
Then I thought of when we sang As Long As You Love Me as a duet.
I remember when he grabbed my hand on our first date.
I remember when he stood up for me against Jake.
That reminds Jake the one that hit Shawn? On purpose?

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