Chapter 15

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Author's Note:::: hey guys! I got a little bit of inspiration today! This isn't for sure happening yet....but I might be meeting Jack & Jack, Shawn Mendes, Sabrina Carpenter, Daya, and maybe more.
I was talking to my dad about the show, and he goes "Jack and Jack? Really? This guy that works for me is really close/ good pals with the shorter, blonde hair guy." By now I'm jumping up and down in the living room😂
"Johnson?" I screamed.
My dad goes "yeah. He said that he's like met all the guys and hangs with them all the time.
My mom looks over at my dad and says, "you should see if that guy could get me (and my friends) backstage passes."
I start jumping up and down and almost have a freaking heart attack. I'm like still dying.
So, I hope my dad talks to that guy tomorrow and he can get me passes. What makes me feel so sure that this is going to happen- is that this guys works for my dad. So I think that guy will do what he can😂 anyway here's chapter 15::

Lydia's POV---

We walked into the pizza parlor after the show.
My phone buzzed and it was Bella.
What does she want?
I looked at the text.
Bella: haha. You think you've actually won. Too bad Jake isn't there to celebrate with you.

WHAT THE HECK????????????

Me: who the heck is Jake?   
I lie.
Bella: the guy who almost killed you, remember?

My heart stopped. I looked at Shawn and started to cry.
"Lydia, what's the matter?" He held me in his arms.
"Was there a girl in that house when I fainted?" I started to get scared.
"I don't remember, maybe." He shook his head.
I showed him my phone and the messages.

"Woah. What the heck?" He gave me my phone back.
"Is she out to get you?" He said kinda as a joke.
"I don't know." Just then our pizza came out.
"Don't worry about it. You won. That's all that matters." He took a bite of pizza and chewed.
"Okay." I kissed his cheek.


"Bang!" The lightning woke me up.
I was petrified of storms. I started to panic.
Usually at home I would go crawl in bed with Nash or Hayes. But, I don't want to look like a scaredy-cat.
Shawn knew I was scared of storms. But he's never seen me during one. I'm usually crying and can't fall back to sleep.
This fear started when a tornado hit our city.
We all had to gather outside the movie theater- in the hallway. For about 3 hours.
It sucked. So ever since then I freak out.

Just then Shawn knocked on my door.
He was shirtless with flannel pajama pants on.
"Hey, you alright?" He asked climbing into my bed.
We've never slept together before.
"No. I'm scared." I stuttered a little bit.
"Don't be, I'm here now." He wrapped his arms around me and rocked me to sleep.
I want this every night.


"LYDIA WAKE UP!!!!!!" Hayes jumped on top of me. I grabbed him by the arm and threw him off the bed. His eyes widened.
"What do you want?" I said with devil eyes.
"Sofia wants to collaborate with you, remember?" He smiled and then walked out.
Is that all he had to say? Wow.
I looked over and Shawn had left.
Aw, I wanted to see him.
I got out of bed in my pajamas and walked to the kitchen.
"I have breakfast cooking." Cam said handing me a plate.
"Thanks. What's the occasion?" I said rubbing my eyes.
"You!" He poured me a glass of orange juice. I hate milk!
"Huh? I thought pizza was to celebrate me last night." I said confused and I started putting my hair in a ponytail.
"Have you not looked at Twitter lately?" He asked lifting an eyebrow.
"No, I just woke up." I rolled my eyes.
"Look, just keep scrolling." He handed me his phone.

---Lydia Grier performing at Teen Choice Awards---
There were so many questions about me it was unreal.
"I was thinking. Maybe later we should film a Q&A YouTube video. Your fans can tweet you questions. We do it all the time." Cam said taking back his phone.
"Maybe, but only if Chloe and I get back from shopping in time." I winked at her.
She was sitting on the couch cuddling with Nash. Ew disgusting! But I gotta live with it.
She moved in with the Magcon crew. But I like having a girl around.

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