Chapter 5

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Lydia's POV----

Jake kept looking at me like he was going to kill me.
"Shawn, I'm sorry. I have to go." I darted backstage.
"Lydia! Wait!" He ran after me.
I was a few steps ahead of him but he was faster than me.
He grabbed me by the waist.

"Lydia, what's wrong? You are safe with me." He sounded worried and little hurt.
"Shawn, I know I am. I'm just scared. When I get scared- I run." I started to cry.
He pulled me into his chest for a hug.
It was warm and I felt protected.

"LYDIA? Who is this guy? I knew you were cheating!" Jake screamed down the hallway.
The voice felt like I had been shot in the heart a million times.
I started to get this huge knot in my stomach.
"Shawn, please don't leave me." I whispered in his ear.
By now Jake is walking towards us.

"Jake, it's just Shawn. He's just my friend. Am I not allowed to have friends?" I stood up for myself.
The first time in awhile.

"Not other boyfriends. You-" he said a few words that are extremely inappropriate. My self-esteem just fell.
I didn't have any motivation.

"Stop! Right now! Leave her alone!" Shawn yelled at him.
"What are you going to do about it?" Jake antagonized him.
I let go of Shawn and pulled away.
I was right about to say something when I saw Jake get closer then everything went black.

-later that day-

Where am I? I asked myself.
I had a blue ice pack on my head. And a bandage on my nose.
My lip had a cotton ball on it.
I looked around to find any clues of what was going on.
I was in a bed. In the HOSPITAL?
I started to worry.
"Hello?" I asked.
The doctor, Nash, Hayes, and Shawn walked in. They had been talking in the hall.
"You're awake! Finally." Nash came and grabbed my hand.
"What happened?" I asked.
I couldn't remember anything after Jake coming near me.
"Jake punched you in the face." Shawn said.
"What? He did?" I started to cry.
"You're fine. He split your lip. That's all. You just have a few bruises." The doctor relieved me.
"I'll leave you to talk." The doctor walked out.
"Nash and Hayes? Do you mind if Shawn and I talk real fast about what happened?" I said slowly. My head still hurt.
"Yeah, and good news you get to come home tonight." Hayes smiled and then they both walked out.
"So, what happened after I got knocked out?" I asked.
I'm not really sure if I actually wanted to know.
"Well, you fell and I caught you. Then he started a fight with me. Good thing that Nash walked in because he grabbed you and called 911. Because Jake was punching and kicking me over and over again." Shawn lifted up his shirt. He pointed to a bruise right below his ribs.
"Shawn, I'm so sorry!!" I started to cry.
"It's all my fault you're in the mess."
He grabbed me and cradled me in his arms.
"No it's not. You are perfectly fine." He comforted me.
I stopped crying and looked up at him.
His eyes were deep and full of love.
We started to slowly lean in. Our cheeks were touching. Then he slowly moved closer.
"GUYS! Guess what?!?!" Matt rushed in.
We immediately separated. Awkward.
Matt could tell what was going on and flashed an awkward smile and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Anyway! Magcon Orlando and Magcon Toronto have been flipped! We're going to Toronto tomorrow!" He started jumping and then scurried out.

I looked at Shawn. We just started laughing.
"Where's my phone?" I asked.
"Here it is." He grabbed it out of his pants pocket.
"Thanks." I unlocked it and clicked on messages.
"We're over. Don't bother texting me on any social media. I'm blocking you." I texted Jake.
I passed my phone onto Shawn.
"I'm sorry that it had to end this way." Shawn looked guilty.
"Then I wouldn't have become so close to you." I smirked.
I scooted over beside him and looked at him in the eyes.
He bent down and our cheeks touched just like before.
I could feel his breath tickle my nose.
Finally after a few LONG seconds.
His lips touched mine.
Time stopped. I felt like nothing mattered. That all the worry and debate in this world- was just a paper bag floating in the wind. Effortless.
I moved my lips to the rhythm of his.
Then finally he pulled away.
"Wow." He said looking at me right in the eyes.
"Yeah, wow." I agreed.
Then I started to get a really bad headache.
"Ow." I grabbed my head and winced in pain.
"Here, lay down." Shawn grabbed my pillow and sat it at the end of the bed.
I laid down and Shawn rubbed my back.
"Thank you for being here for me." I said blushing.
"Anywhere and anytime." He smiled.


"They think you have a minor concussion." Nash said.
"Are you kidding me?" I was laying in my bed on Twitter.
Nash and Hayes have been here all day talking to the doctor about whether I should go to Magcon or not.
Shawn had been hanging with me all day.
"I'm going. And that's that." I stuck my tongue out at Nash and then went back to Twitter.
"Lydia, you could get more hurt-" I interrupted him.
"No, I won't! I'll be fine. I promise. Can we leave now?" I was starting to get very impatient.
The guys exchanged glances. Then Nash rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. But no complaining of your head hurting." He gave in.
"YES!" I blurted out.
Shawn gave me a boost out of bed but from then on I was fine.


"See, I told you. I am perfectly fine." I smiled and got into the elevator.
"Everyone meet in my room in one hour." Nash told everyone.
"Okay, I'm just going to take a shower and wash the hospital smell off of me." I started walking to my room.

I hopped in the shower. It felt so good.
It's a gift from God- that's for sure.
I got out after 30 minutes and dried my hair.
Now what am I going to wear? I thought to myself.
We're leaving for Toronto tonight.
I threw on black yoga pants, my Hayes Grier sweatshirt, and nikes.
I got my sweatshirt awhile ago. I was bored one day- so I got fabric markers and wrote "my twin brother" on my sweatshirt.
It actually made it look pretty awesome! Since I'm not very talented in artsy things- that's the best I could do.

"Okay, are we ready to go?" Nash asked everyone.
Everyone grabbed their suitcases and said yes.
We all put our luggage in the back of the limo.
"Next stop, the airport." Bart yelled out.
I was sitting next to Shawn and Nash.
Shawn and I were listening to Lana Del Rey- Summertime Sadness.
"You should make a cover on this." I nudged him.
"I actually plan too." He smiled and then blushed.
"Good! I could be your first like." I turned up the volume and hummed the lyrics.

After about 20 minutes of driving we arrived at the airport.
We got our luggage and went through security.
Shawn and I were sitting down at our gate. While everyone else was walking around the shops.
"You have to listen to this girl named Bryana Salaz! She was on The Voice." I pulled her up on my laptop. She sang Problem by Ariana Grande.

"I hope to sing as powerful as her someday." I admitted.
"I think you already do." Shawn is such a suck up!
"You're such a flirt." I started blushing.
He laughed, "I'm not kidding."

"Uh-huh. You're to sweet." I kissed his cheek.

"Plane 342 to Toronto is now boarding." The lady at the front desk said into the microphone.

We all sat next to each other on the airplane, in first class. It was so nice.

"Hayes, is it okay if I sit by Lydia? And you can sit next to Matt?" Shawn asked him.
"Yep, but ew- you guys are gross." Hayes said before sitting down next to Matt.
I smirked at Shawn and then he grabbed my hand.
Shoot. Butterflies filled my stomach.
I took deep breathes in and out.

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