Chapter 22

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-two weeks later-

"Lydia, I'm going to miss you so much." Chloe grabs me and hugs me. I feel tears sliding down my cheeks.
"This isn't goodbye. I'm going to see you in 4 months. When we are both in Hershey Pennsylvania. You'll be with Magcon and I'll be on tour. We can have a girl's night." I try and console us both.
"Sounds like a plan." She smiles and pulls away from the hug.
"See you guys in a few months." I smile and wave to the guys.
Then Nash & Hayes come give me hugs.
"Love you." We exchange.

"Ready?" Shawn looks at me.
"Yep." I say grabbing his hand and getting into our tour bus.
"Next stop, Arizona." Shawn says sitting down on the couch.
I look around the tour bus.
4 bunk beds. With shades.
1 bathroom. It's actually really nice.
Benches on both sides of the bus.
And a mini kitchen in the front.
Then a bigger bed, with a flatscreen TV, and a game system. That's where Shawn & I will sleep.
We only sleep on the bus over night a few times. So, it's not that big of a deal.
We usually stay in the hotel.

-12 hours later-

"Good Morning everyone! This is our first show. So, we need everyone to be patient. It's going to take a lot of work. That's what we are here for. So, let's get inside for hair & makeup. We have 2 hours until sound check and then on stage." Kelly, our tour manager yelled out at breakfast in the green room.
"Dove and Ryan you'll be on first. Then Sofia. And then Bea- then Shawn & Lydia. When I call your name- come to the dressing room."

"Dove and Ryan!" Kelly yelled.
They both got up and went in for fittings.
"Wow, this is awesome. And so different from Magcon. I like it a lot more." I said to Shawn.
"Yeah, it's more focused on our career." He agreed.
Our career. I like it.

About an hour later, they yelled Lydia.

I walked in and the stylist, Faye, grabbed me by the arm.
"I'm going to have fun with you." She examined me and then went to her stash of clothing.
"Try this." She handed me a blue skirt, white crop top, black leather jacket, and black boot heels. With of course panty hoes.
I tried it on and it looked amazing. I already loved her.
She then moved me over to the chair.
"I like your dark brown hair. I'm just going to curl it. And then do your makeup." She grabbed her iron and started curling.
Then she put on my makeup.
I felt like a princess.

Shawn finished his look and then moved over towards me.
"You look handsome." I kissed his cheek.
"You look gorgeous." He grabbed my waist.
"You ready?" I said looking up at him.
"Ready when you are." He smiled down at me.
We grabbed hands and headed to sound check.

"Do I need to show you? And if you don't believe me now, I'll flip the whole world upside down." Shawn sang. I could hear our fans outside the arena cheering.
He did about 5 songs and then handed the mic to me.
I had written 3 songs. So I was going to sing those and then do a few covers. Then of course sing some songs with Shawn.

"I don't know what I would do without you!" I sang. It's my new song called "without you".
And then "Upside Down" and "Feelings".

I decided to sing, "Problem", "Ride", and "Wild Things" for my covers.

I was ready.


"How are you guys doing tonight?" I ask as I walk on stage. I was the last act. I was nervous. Shawn was supposed to come out later for our collaborations.
"Well, I have a few songs for you guys tonight. It's not like Magcon. I'm allowed to sing super loud. And this is a whole lot bigger than Magcon. Wow." I smiled as I looked out to the crowd. It was HUGE!

"I got on less problem without you."
"I'm taking my time on my ride..."
"So we bang our drums, cause this is how we dance!"
I finished my covers.

"I don't know how to control these feelings I'm having for you..." I sang into the mic. I wasn't nervous anymore. I was ready.

And this was just the start....

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