Chapter Five

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Grace POV
I wake up to someone shaking me.
"Grace, Grace wake up,"I hear someone say. The voice didn't sound like my moms though and I don't live with anyone else. I turn around and see Colby standing there smiling.
"Morning Grace,"he whispers.
"Colby, what are you doing here and why did you wake me up?"I ask rubbing my eyes.
"I want to talk to you,"he says.
"Why couldn't you talk to me at school?"I ask sitting up.
"Because I couldn't wait,"he says sitting next to me.
"Fine but make it quick I need to get ready for school."
"Ok so I know that I've ignored you a lot and have been such a bitch towards you but the truth is that I was just scared that you wouldn't like me,"he explains.
"Why would you think that? I tried to be friends with you but you kept pushing me away,"I say.
"I know and I hated myself for that. I wish I never pushed you away,"he says scooting closer to me.
"Well you did and I don't know if we should even be friends anymore,"I say.
"Well maybe this will change your mind,"he whispers and cups my face. We stare into each others eyes for a few seconds until Colby crashes his lips onto mine.
I turn off my alarm and sit up. I start thinking why the hell I had a dream like that about Colby. I mean I don't even like him that way. I decide to stop thinking about it and start getting ready for school. I throw on a black tank and put a white crop top on with the words Sweet Rebel on it (with a bunch of little words underlining the two words). I put on a pair of skinny jeans and put a black beanie. I walk downstairs and eat breakfast. I walk towards the door and put on my shoes. (A/N this is Grace's outfit minus the skateboard)

    ***    I walk into class and notice Colby wasn't there

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I walk into class and notice Colby wasn't there. I sit down and look at the empty seat next to me.
"Okay class today we wi-"the teacher stops talking as soon as Colby walks in,"Mr.Brock you're late."
"I know sir I woke up late,"Colby apologizes.
"Ok well don't let it happen again,"the teacher says.
"I won't,"Colby says walking to his seat with his head down. He sits next to me and pulls out the papers from yesterday and a pencil. He looks at me and I smile at him and surprisingly he smiles back. His smile gave me butterflies in my stomach.
I walk out of class and see a bunch of people circled around two guys. I walk over to them and see someone from another one of my classes and... Colby. The guy punched Colby in the face. I heard him saying things like,"Worthless bitch", and "Freak". When I the guy moved to the side I could see that's Colby had a bloody lip and a black eye.
"Stop!"I screamed and everything went silent. Everyone was looking at me but I didn't care.
"Well well well what do we have here. The little shy girl is stepping up for someone,"the guy says walking towards me. The crown makes a walk way as he pushes me up against a locker. I lift up my knee and hit him where the sun doesn't shine. Hard. He drops me and I end up landing on my butt.
"What is going on here?"I hear the principle ask.
"The crowd was gone in seconds leaving the guy, Colby, and me.
"That guy right there was beating up Colby and I tried to stop them but he shoved me up against a locker. So I hit him where it hurts,"I say standing up and pointing the guy.
"Well Chris you have detention,"the principle says,"You and Colby get to class."
As we're walking Colby brakes the silence between us.
"Thanks by the way,"he says.
"Oh umm no problem,"I say awkwardly.
After that we walk into our separate classes.
  As I was walking out of the school Colby starts walking with me. I noticed all of the marks that Chris made were still on his face. He looked a little shaky.
"So are you ok now?"I ask.
"I'm still in quite a lot if pain but I think I'll be ok,"he says.
"Oh that's good,"I say as we approach my drive way,"I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
"Uh d- do you think I c- could come in?"he asks.
"Uh yeah sure,"I say.
"Thanks,"he says with a small smile.
We walk inside and sit on the couch.
"Do you ever get hot in that hoodie?"I ask.
"Not really I've gotten used to it,"he says.
"Why do you wear it all the time?"I ask.
"I dunno I just like it,"he shrugs.
"Well you can at least roll up the sleeves,"I giggle.
"No no I can't,"he says.
"Yes you can,"I say. I reach for the sleeve and start pulling it up.
"No stop,"he shouts.
"Why you've got to be hot in this,"I say.
"I told you I've gotten used to it,"he whimpers. I notice his arms a a little shaky. I pull it all the way up and instantly see cuts.
"C- Colby I-""I told you not to do anything now you probably hate me even more!"he interrupts starting to cry a little.
"No I d-""You know I should get going,"Colby says walking to the door. I run after him but the door shuts in my face. What do I do now?
  This was my favorite chapter to write/edit so far. I hope you all enjoyed!

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