Chapter Sixteen

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Colby's POV
"Yes mom?"I ask walking into the living room.
"I've decided since you've been following the rules and haven't caused any trouble you're not grounded anymore,"she says. I felt guilty because I did break the rules but hey she doesn't know so.
"Thanks mom!"I say.
"Yup. Well I've gotta go back to work my lunch break is over. Bye sweetie,"she says then kisses my cheek.
"Mom,"I groan wiping my cheek.
"Oh stop it,"she rolls her eyes. She grabs her purse and walks out the door. I walk back into the kitchen and see Grace eating.
"Took you long enough,"she says.
"That took barely anytime and you're lucky we didn't get caught,"I say and I put together a sandwich. I sit down across from her. I didn't realize I was staring at her until she says something,
"Why are you staring at me?"she asks.
"I wasn't,"I defend.
"Yes you are. Everything I look at you you're always looking at me,"she explains.
"Why are you looking at me?"I smirk.
"Because I'm waiting for you to say something,"she explains.
"Mhm,"I hum taking a bit of my sandwich,"What do you want me to say?"
"I dunno it's just awkward sitting here and we aren't talking about anything,"she says.
"Oh is it?"I ask.
"Yes,"she says,"Are you excited for the date?" No
"Yes,"I lie.
"That's cool,"she says. I can tell she's not very interested. Yes don't be interested and say I can't go! We finish eating without saying anything.
"Well I should leave so you can get ready for your date,"she says standing up.
"Ok,"I say a little disappointed.
I watch as she walks out the door.
Grace's POV
I felt awkward sitting there with Colby. I didn't want him go on the date but I can't control his life. I needed to leave before I said something stupid. I felt my phone vibrate.
Colby:Why did you leave? The date isn't for a couple more hours.
Me:I know but I wanted to give you time to get ready
Colby:You don't have to. Come back
Me:No I want to rest
Colby:We can rest together and cuddle
Me:No sorry I just want to be alone
Colby:Ok I guess I'll talk to you later
Me:K bye
I walk into my house and fall back onto the couch.
"Ugh,"I groan,"What do I do now?"
I guess I can take a nap I am tired.
I grab a blanket and fall asleep.
Colby's POV
I was so bored just sitting around the house. I guess I could get ready for the date now since there's nothing else to do.
I grab my shirt and pants. I take off my shirt and look at my cuts. I hope they get better especially the ones I just made a few days ago and yesterday. I lied to Grace about not cutting but I don't want her to get mad again.
I finish getting dressed and look at myself in the mirror. I didn't look that good and this date is probably going to be the worst but I don't care. I just want to get this over with.
Sit around for a couple more hours until the door bell rings. I walk downstairs and open the door. I see Kate standing there. She's wearing a tight black dress that goes just a little above mid thigh.
"Hello,"I fake smile.
"Hi,"she smiles back.
"So where are we going?"I ask.
"We're going out to eat,"she giggles.
"Ok,"I say.
We walk to my car and Kate stands in front of the passenger side door. Oh I'm guessing I have to open it for her. I walk over it and open it.
"Such a gentleman,"she says sweetly. I ignore her comment and close the door.
I get in the drivers side and start the car. She never told me what restaurant but I'll just go to one that's fancy since we're dressed like this.
We get to the restaurant and I open the car door for her. Here we go. We walk in and we take our seats.
"What would you like to drink?"the waiter asks.
"I'll have water,"I say.
"And I'll have a sprite,"Kate says.
"Ok I'll be back,"the waited says walking off.
"So tell me Colby, what do you do for a living?"Kate asks.
"Umm... I'm still in high school,"I say.
"Oh I thought you were a college student,"she says.
"Nope I've got one more year in high school,"I say.
"Oh cool I'm a freshman in college,"she says.
"Cool,"I say. Ugh get me out of here!
"So...,"she trails off and I feel her hand on my knee,"How long has it been since you've had a good fuck?"
"I've never had sex,"I say and her hand slides up my thigh.
"Want me to change that?"she whispers and bites her lip.
"Umm no sorry I'm waiting for the right girl to loose my virginity to,"I say.
"But I'm the best,"she says and places her hand on my crotch. I stand up quickly.
"Umm... sorry but I've got to go,"I say.
"But we haven't even eaten yet,"she says.
"Uh I'm not hungry anymore,"I lie.
"Oh then do you want to do something else?"she ask standing up and walks towards me.
"N- no I've really got to go home,"I say walking out of the restaurant. I get into my car and drive off.
Shit I was her ride home...oh well.
I drive into Grace's driveway and ring the doorbell non stop.
"I'm coming I'm coming!"I hear her yell. I here the door unlock and she opens it.
"Colby?"she says.
"Can I come in?"I ask.
"Uh yeah go ahead,"she says moving out of the way then closes the door,"What are you doing here?"
"I had to leave my date,"I say.
"Why I thought you really liked her,"she says confused.
"I never liked her and she was touching me so I told her that I had to go,"I say frantically.
"Why did you agree to go on a date with her?"she asks.
"I only did it to make you jealous,"I admit.
"M- make me jealous?"she chokes out.
"Yes,"I nod.
"W- why?"she asks.
"Because I really like you Grace, and- and  I know you don't like me that way. I wanted to change that but it didn't work so I had to go on the date,"I say and grab her wrists with all of my strength.
"Colby,"she whimpers.
"Grace I think I'm in love with you,"I whisper and stare into her eyes. I look down at her lips and back up to her eyes,"I'm going to kiss you now."
She doesn't say or do anything so I press my lips against hers. But then Grace pushes me away.
"C- Colby I can't,"she whispers.
"Why not?"I ask.
"It's just too much right now,"she says.
"Oh,"I feel my heart break.
"I'm sorry,"she whispers.
"I- It's ok,"I say,"I guess I should get going now."
I let go of her wrists and turn around. I walk out of the door. Did I just ruin our friendship? No no no!
I run into my house and into my room. I grab the blade and make more cuts. If Grace saw my doing this I know she would never forgive me but I had to do this. I had to.
Hey guys I hope this chapter was good! I told you that things weren't going to go perfect since they became friends but trust me this isn't all that happens. This doesn't even compare to what happens further into the story.

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