Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke up and Colby's arms were still wrapped around me. I moved onto my side and looked at him. I smiled while playing with his hair. After a few minutes he wakes up.
"Hmm what time is it?"he groans while rubbing his eyes.
"Like ten,"I say.
"That's too early,"he says wrapping his arm around me again.
"No it's not,"I giggle.
"Mhm,"he groans.
"Whatever,"I roll my eyes,"What are we going to do today?"
"I don't know,"he shrugs,"Cuddle and maybe make out."
"Ugh Colby we cuddle all the time,"I say.
"Then making out it is,"he smirks.
"No,"I say.
"You're no fun,"he says.
"I know,"I say.
"I don't feel like doing anything today,"he says.
"And you say that I'm no fun,"I say.
"I'm more fun than you,"he says.
"Sure,"I roll my eyes.
"I am!"he exclaims.
"Ok fine,"I laugh. We stay there and cuddle for a little more.
"Colby we should do something,"I say.
"There's nothing I want to do though,"he says.
"There's got to be something,"I say.
"Nope,"he shakes his head.
"Yes,"I nod.
"Noooo,"he whines.
"Ugh I give up,"I say.
"Tehee I win,"he says.
"Win what?"I ask.
"Nothing,"he says.
"Ok...,"I trail off,"You want to at least go see a movie?"
"Sure I guess,"he shrugs,"Oh can we please go see Finding Dory?"
"No that's for children. We should see Nerve,"I suggest.(A/N I haven't seen this movie yet so I'm not going to say anything about the scenes.)
"Ugh why,"he groans.
"Because,"I say.
"Fine,"he says. We get dressed and head out.
"So why exactly do you want to see this movie?"Colby asks starting the car.
"Well I mean Dave Franco is in it and he's hot,"I say.
"That's the only reason,"he asks.
"No it's just one reason,"I say.
"Please don't drool over him when we are watching the movie,"he says.
"That might be a little hard,"I say.
"Whatever,"he says.
We get to the theater and pay for our tickets.
"Do you want to get popcorn?"Colby asks.
"Sure,"I say.
"Is one large one ok?"he asks.
"Yeah,"I say.
We pay for the popcorn and two drinks then head off to see the movie.
We take our seats. As we were watching the previews a couple next to us starts making out.
"Maybe we should do that,"Colby whispers puckering his lips and I smack his arm,"Ow!"
"Stop being so gross,"I say.
"I'm not. I mean since we're a couple now it would be fine. I mean couples do this all the time,"he says.
"Yeah gross couples,"I say.
"Fine we won't make out now but we will soon,"he says.
"In your dreams,"I say.
"Shh the movies starting,"he hushes me and I roll my eyes.
As I'm watching the movie I look over at Colby and he seems pretty bored.
"How are you not interested in this? This is amazing,"I whisper.
"Yeah for you,"he mutters.
"Well do you want to leave?"I ask.
"Yeah but you don't,"he says.
"I'll leave if you want to leave. I don't want you to be bored,"I say.
"Well... are you sure?"he asks.
"Mhm,"I nod.
"Ok...,"he whispers. We stand up and a bunch of people complain for us to sit down. Someone throws popcorn at us. He looks like someone who used to bully me... but why would he be here? But who cares he just threw popcorn at us. So I being the mature person I am (not the sarcasm) grab a handful of popcorn from our bowl and throw it the person.
"Grace, what are you doing?"Colby whispers.
"Nothing,"I say innocently with batting my eyelashes at him. As I was about to start walking out and the same guy throws popcorn at me and yells,
So I grab the whole thing of popcorn and dump it on the guy's head. But because I have such great luck a security guy comes in. He grabs my arm and yanks me out of the theater. Colby runs out looking for me. Once he spots me he runs over to me. He just looks at me. I start laughing but Colby stays silent and walks out the door. I follow him to the car and get in.
"Grace that wasn't funny,"Colby says.
"Yes it was,"I say.
"No it wasn't that guy bullies me all the time and now he's going to go after both of us. He'll probably hate me even more now,"he explains.
"Oh,"I say.
"You said that people were leaving you alone but now he's probably going to get everyone to bully you,"he says.
"I'm sorry I didn't know who he was,"I apologize.
"It's ok I just worry about you,"he says putting his hand on my thigh still focusing on the road.
"I'll be fine. Besides we haven't been going to school. He probably didn't even recognize us,"I say.
"Maybe but I don't want anything worse to happen to either of us,"he says.
"I know neither do I,"I say. He doesn't respond he just continues to focus on the road. I look out the window. I was getting bored and I don't know why it was taking us so long to get to the hotel.
"Colby are we almost there?"I ask.
"Yeah,"he says. Right after he says that I see the sign for it. He drives in the parking lot then parks the car. We get out and go inside.
"So what else are we going to do today?"I ask stepping into the elevator.
"I dunno,"he shrugs pressing the button to our floor. I don't respond and wait for the elevator to stop. It opens and head to our room. I plop down onto the bed.
"I'm so bored,"I groan.
"We just got back from the movies,"Colby says.
"I know but now there's nothing to do,"I say,"Maybe I'll just take a nap."
"That's sounds like a good idea I think I will too,"he says getting under the covers. I climb in next to him. I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Hey guys sorry for the kind of boring chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment.

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