Chapter Forty

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Colby's POV
I wake up with my arms wrapped around Grace's waist and I watch was soft snored leave her mouth. I play with hair until she wakes up.

"Morning,"I whisper and kiss her nose.

"Morning,"she whispers back.

"I'm so happy I can wake up with you in peace,"I say.

"Me too. I missed having alone time with you,"she smiles. God, I love seeing her smile this close.

"Hey you know what I just realized,"I add.

"What?"she asks.

"Yesterday was supposed to be the last day of school and we missed it so now it's summer!"I say excited.

"Oh thank god I didn't want to have to go to school on Monday,"she laughs. I love when she laughs. Her eyes light up and her adorable dimples show perfectly.

"Neither did I. Want to go downstairs for breakfast?"I ask.

"Yeah,"she yawns sitting up.(A/N I actually yawned after writing this sentence 😂)

We get out of bed and put in our clothes from yesterday. We head downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning guys,"Grace's mom says while flipping pancakes.

"Morning mom,"Grace says sitting down at the table.

"Morning Miss.Johnson,"I say sitting down next to Grace.

"You guys want pancakes?"she asks?

"Yeah,"Grace and I say at the time.

"Well, come get them,"she says moving out of the way,"I have to go to work today so you guys will have to figure out something to do yourselves."

"Your mom has to work on Saturdays?"I whisper to Grace.

"Yeah, she has to work everyday,"she says.

"Wow that sucks,"I say.

"Mhm,"she nods picking up a plate then hands me one.

"Thanks,"I smile.

"Yup,"she says plopping pancakes into the plate.

I get my pancakes and go back to the table to begin eating.

"Ugh this is so boring,"Grace groaning, covering her face with a pillow.

"Well, I mean doing nothing is pretty boring so why don't we do something?"I ask.

"Because there isn't anything to do. I have no money,"she says moving the pillow off of her face.

"Lets check the weather to see if it's warm enough to go swimming,"I suggest.

"Colby, school just got out I don't think the weather will be-"

"Eighty eight degrees,"I cut her off.

"Oh... well then let's go to the beach!"she squeals while clapping her hands.

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