Chapter Thirty-Four

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Colby's POV
I noticed that Grace was asleep and I turned off the movie. I armed my arms around her and brought her closer to me. I rested my chin on the top of her head and closed my eyes. I wasn't tired but I wanted to close my eyes for a few minutes even though I wasn't actually going to sleep. I feel Grace move a little but she didn't say anything. I open my eyes to see if she was awake but her eyes were still closed.
"S- stop,"I hear Grace whimper. She didn't move and she was still sleeping.
"Let me go,"she says,"P- please."
"Grace?"I whisper but she doesn't answer. I could feel her heart racing and she was sweating.
"Get away from him!"she yells.
"Grace,"I say.
"No!"she screams and jolts up. She was panting and very sweaty.
"Grace are you ok?"I ask.
"I- I had a nightmare,"she stutters.
"I could tell. You were talking in your sleep,"I say.
"Really?"she asks.
"Mhm,"I nod,"Want to tell me what the nightmare was about?"
"Yeah,"she nods,"O- ok well... I did something that Sam didn't like but my dream started with him yelling at me so I don't know what I did. B- but anyways he threatened that he would kill you if I don't do something h- he wanted me to do but I said no and that I didn't believe that he would ever hurt or k- kill you. So he got you to go into the living room w- where I was and- and he grabbed a gun. Blake held me and I- Isabella handcuffed your hands behind your back. I tried to get out of Blake's g- grip but I couldn't. Soon Sam pressed the gun against you're head and p- pulled the trigger. Sam let you fall to the ground and blood gushed out of your head. B- Blake let go of me and I ran over to you while crying. The dream felt so really Colby I- I'm scared,"she cries.
"It's ok Grace it was just a nightmare,"I say and hug her. She cries into my neck and her tears fall into it,"Shh it's ok,"I whisper while rubbing her back.
"D- do you think t- that will actually h- happen,"she asks into my neck.
"No,"I say.
"I- I hope not,"she whispers.
"I promise you nothing back will happen to us,"I say.
"O- ok,"she says. She lets go off me and wipes away her tears.
"You ok now?"I ask caressing her cheek.
"Yeah,"she nods lightly.
"Ok,"I say then place a light kiss on her forehead.
Grace's POV
"Grace!"I hear Blake yell as he's walking into the room.
"Oh great,"I mutter,"What do you want?"I ask turing around to face him.
"I need to talk to you,"he says.
"Go ahead,"I say.
"Colby do you think you could leave the room for a minute?"he asks.
"Uh... s- sure,"he says nervously while standing up. He walks out of the room and Blake sits down.
"What do you want to talk about?"I ask crossing my arms.
"I wanted to apologize,"he says looking down at his lap.
"Ok apologize,"I say.
"I'm sorry,"he says.
"For..."I say.
"For tricking you into having sex with me,"he says.
"Apology accepted but please don't do anything like that again also make sure your sister stays away from Colby,"I say.
"Will do,"he says,"So umm... are we friends?"
"If you promise not to do anything to hurt to Colby or me,"I say.
"I won't... I promise,"he says.
"Ok we're friends,"I say.
"Good,"he says smiling.
"Well I'm going to go see what Colby's doing,"I say.
"Ok,"he says.
I walk into the kitchen and see Colby sitting at the table.
"Hey,"I say sitting across from him.
"Hi,"he says,"What did Blake need?"
"He was just apologizing,"I shrug.
"That's good,"he says.
"Yeah... honestly I wasn't expecting him to apologize ever,"I say.
"Why not?"he asks.
"I dunno,"I shrug,"He just doesn't seem like the type of person who cares about other people's feeling."
"Oh,"he says.
"Yeah... so I think I'm going to talk to Sam about this whole kidnapping thing,"I say.
"You really think he's going to change his mind?"he asks.
"Well we're about to find out,"I whisper as Sam walks into the kitchen.
"Hey Sam,"I say walking over to him.
"What?"he says harshly.
"Umm... uh-""Umm... uh what?"he mocks. I'm starting to feel nervous talking to him.
"About the kidnapping thing... I don't don't think I can do it,"I say.
"And why is that?"he asks crossing his arms.
"I just don't feel comfortable and don't think I can do it,"I admit.
"Weird you say that since you didn't think it would take work,"he says.
"Well... I still don't think it does I just don't want to,"I say.
"Well too bad you have to,"he says.
"But I can't,"I say.
"Yes you can,"he says.
"Umm no I can't,"I say,"I mean there's no reason for me to be doing it anyways."
"True, very true,"he nods his head,"I guess you don't have to do anything... for now."
"What do you mean for now?"I ask.
"I mean you'll still be doing things for me just not today,"he says.
"Oh..."I say.
"Yeah. So if that's all you need to talk about you can leave me alone now,"he says.
"Oh ok,"I say then sit back down across from Colby.
"So you off the hook?"he asks.
"Yeah... for now,"I say.
"Well obviously he's not going to keep us here to do nothing,"he says.
"Yeah I know I just feel like doing anything for that bitch,"I say.
"Neither do I but, maybe he'll let us go pretty soon if we do everything he says,"he says.
"Maybe but, what if I don't want to do anything he says?"I ask.
"Do you have to make everything difficult?"he asks annoyed.
"Yes,"I joke.
"Wow,"he says rolling his eyes.
"What?"I giggle.
"Nothing,"he says breaths out.
"Ok,"I say.
"Colby!"I hear Isabella yell.
"Ugh,"Colby groans.
"There you are,"she giggles while walking in.
"What do you want?"he whines.
"I just wanted to know if you and Grace were ok,"she says.
"Are you seriously?"I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Yes I'm seriously,"she says.
"Ok..."I say still unsure,"But to answer your question yes, you are perfectly fine."
"Good because I don't want my two favorite people being in a fight,"she says frowning.
"Uh... are you drunk or something?"I ask.
"I honestly don't know what I am,"she giggles.
"Ok?"I say.
"So anyways that's all... bye,"she says then walks out.
"Well that was... interesting,"Colby says.
"Yup, definitely,"I agree.
"I hope she doesn't continue to be nice like that it's just too weird,"he says.
"Yeah,"I say.
There were a few seconds of silence until Sam yells,
"Get into bed now!"
But what about dinner? We barely talk are today,"Colby points out.
"Oh you guys didn't eat?"he asks and we shake our heads.
"Well too bad you've lost your chance to! Now go to sleep!"he yells.
We hurry into our room and get into bed.
"Grace?"Colby cooed.
"Yeah?"I ask.
"I love you,"he whispers.
"I love you too,"I whisper back.
"Do you think we can cuddle?"he asks.
"Sure,"I say.
"I'll go to your bed this time,"he says then lays down next to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and I nuzzle my head into his chest. He kisses the top of my head and I close my eyes. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep. I feel safe here with Colby around and I don't want that to ever change.
Hey guys sorry for not updating yesterday I had more things do to beside school orientation but I won't get into that. I also won't be able to update again today because I have to go on a stupid family road trip. Ugh! But it's only for today so I will be able to update tomorrow. I feel like I haven't been updating much and that's bothering people but I don't want to be busy it's just how it is right now. But I'll be less busy in a couple of days or a couple of weeks so I'll be able to update as much as I used to. But,
please vote and comment and I'll post tomorrow!

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