Chapter Six

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Colby's POV
    I fucking told Grace not to do anything! Now she knows I cut sometimes. Ugh this was a bad idea try to become friends with Grace. I just hope she doesn't hate me more now. I just need to figure things out.
Grace's POV
    I really want to go over to Colby's and talk to him but I don't know if he wants to talk to anyone at all. I wish he knew that I just want to help him but he obviously doesn't need anyone's help.
    As I was about to walk into my room the door bell rings. Ugh I just want to rest. I walk back downstairs and open the door. It's Colby.
    "H- hi Grace,"Colby stutters.
    "Hi... what are you doing here?"I ask.
    "I came here to apologize,"he says. I stood there shocked for a moment.
    "Why would you need to apologize?"I ask.
    "For leaving like that earlier. I was just worried that you would judge me and then hate me even more,"Colby explains.
    "Colby I never hated you. You made it pretty clear that you didn't want to be friends so I just stopped trying,"I say.
    "I did want to be friends I was just scared that you would find the cuts and not accept me. Every time I made friends they would find the cuts and my pills for my depression. Then they would tell like everyone they know. Soon enough most of the school found out I have depression and they started teasing me and bullying because of it. After that I just stopped being friends with anyone because there was no point,"he explains.
    "Colby I would never judge you about that. I used to have depression too and I cut myself a lot as well but I tried my best to get better because I knew that it wasn't going to help or fix anything. It made things worse for me,"I say.
    "I'm so glad you understand me,"Colby smiles with tears starting to form in his eyes,"S-so does this m-mean we can b-be friends?"
    "Of course,"I smile.
    "So umm.... want to hang out?"he asks wiping away the tears.
    "Sounds good,"I say. I move out of the way so he can walk in.
    "So what do you want to do?"he asks.
    "I dunno we could watch a movie,"I suggest.
    "Sure what movie do you want to watch. I honestly don't care as long as it's not a chick flick,"he says.
    "How about Allegiant. I know it's not really new but I still haven't watched it,"I say.
    "Ok,"he chuckles
    "I'll also make popcorn because like why not?"I say.
    Colby sits down on the couch and I walk into the kitchen and make the popcorn.
    "That was a pretty good movie,"I say.
    "Yeah it's one of my favorites,"he says.
    "What do you want to do now?"I ask.
    "I should probably leave so my mom doesn't worry about where I am,"he says standing up.
    "Ok I'll see you tomorrow,"I say. After that I hear the door shut.
    I got up and looked at the time. It was dinner time and my mom still wasn't home. So I decide to just make it myself.
    The evening and night were really boring. All I did was watch TV then went to sleep. But I fell asleep thinking about Colby...again.
Hey people! Short chapter but hope you still enjoyed it!

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