Chapter Thirty-Three

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I sat down on the couch next to Colby and waited for Sam to speak.
"Ok so the reason I kidnapped you is because I needed more people to help kidnap with me,"he explains.
"Ok? But why did you choose us?"Colby asks.
"Because I always choose the people who sit on the bench you were sitting on no matter who they are,"Sam says.
"But what if they aren't tuff enough or don't want to help?"I ask crossing my arms.
"Well for the weak people we train them and for people who don't help us or do as we say well.... you don't want to know,"Sam says in a serious tone.
"Oh but I do want to know,"I say.
"Trust me you don't,"Sam says.
"Trust me I do,"I mock.
"Well too bad because I'm not telling you,"he says.
"Fine,"I roll my eyes,"Also why do they need training? Kidnapping isn't that much work."
"You don't thinks it takes work?"Sam asks.
"Nope,"I say shaking my head.
"Ok well in that case let's see you try to kidnap someone later today,"Sam says.
"But, what if I don't want to?"I ask sassily.
"If you don't you'll fucking regret it,"Sam says.
"Oh no I'm so scared,"I say sarcastically and moving my hands up defensively.
"You should be,"Sam says.
"Well I'm not so..."I trail off.
"Whatever,"Sam says,"Anyways that's all I needed to talk about so you're free to go."
Sam walks out of the room and I start standing up but Colby pulls me back down.
"Grace, do you have any idea what you're going to do?"Colby asks.
"Yeah I'm going to show Sam that kidnapping isn't hard to do,"I say.
"I know but that's exactly what he wanted you do to. He wanted you to do the kidnapping for him so he doesn't get caught or anything,"Colby says.
"You don't know that I mean he didn't have a problem before,"I say.
"But what if that is true?"Colby asks.
"I dunno,"I shrug,"Let's just not think about it."
"Ok,"he says.
"Colby?"I say.
"Yeah?"he asks.
"Will you help me?"I ask.
"I don't I know is Sam will let me,"he says.
"But like if he allows you to will you?"I ask.
"Sure,"he says.
"Good because I don't think I could do this alone,"I say,"I honestly don't what to kidnap anyone but Sam wants me to so I guess I have too,"I say.
"Yeah well maybe if you didn't have such a big mouth this wouldn't never happened,"he jokes.
"Shut up,"I groan and smack his arm playfully.
"Owie,"he pouts and covers where I hit him with his hand.
"Really,"I say.
"Maybe if you kiss it it will feel better,"he says like a little kid. I roll my eyes and kiss the spot,"All better!"
"You are such a little kid,"I say.
"No I'm not,"he pouts and crossing his arms.
"Yes you are,"I argue.
"Meanie,"he says sticking out his tongue.
"Colby, do you know when to be mature?"I ask.
"I'm always mature,"he says in his normally voice.
"No you're,"I say.
"Ok well maybe not all the time but most of the time,"he says.
"Whatever you say,"I say.
"So... what are we supposed to do?"he asks.
"I dunno,"I shrug.
"Maybe we could watch something on TV,"he suggests.
"Yeah I guess,"I say.
"But only if we can cuddle,"he says.
"Ok,"I agree.
He grabs the remote and turns on the TV. He selects a movie and puts the remote in the floor. He lays down on his side and I lay down on mine too but my back is against his chest and I'm facing the TV.
"I miss cuddling at your house and mine,"he says with his eyes still glued onto the TV.
"Me too but at least we can here,"I say.
"Yeah but we don't get any privacy,"he says.
"Well it's better than nothing,"I say.
"True,"he says.
"You know if you weren't here right now I would I be terrified,"I say.
"Yeah?"he asks.
"Mhm,"I nod.
"Well I would be terrified if you weren't here as well,"he says then kisses the top of my head.
"Really?"I ask.
"Yup,"he says popping the p.
"But I'm still a little afraid of never getting out of here,"I say.
"Don't worry we'll find a way,"Colby assures.
"I know but it could years months or years,"I say.
"Well as long as we stay together it won't be that bad here and we'll find a way to get out of here in no time,"he says.
"Ok. But we can't let anyone tear us apart especially Isabella and Blake,"I say.
"I know, I won't let them,"he says.
"Good,"I whisper.
He doesn't respond and we go back to focusing on the movie.
As the movie continued I was starting to feel sleepy. My eyes felt heavy and kept closing but I tried to stay awake.
After awhile I stopped trying to stay awake and fell asleep.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry it's kind of short. But please vote and comment.

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