Chapter 4: The Wedding

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Lucy's PoV

I have been once again called to my father's chambers. I hated it there. It's where I would receive my 'needed punishments', as he would like to say. He believed that I deserved the torture. Because of what happened to my mother. He thought it was Erza and I who made her so weak, that an illness killed her, but it wasn't. He had pained her. He had weakened her. He had killed her.

It was in that room as well. The room I would frequent. I still feel her spirit there, I still hear her screams.

I turned my final corner. Breathed my final breath. Knocked on the black, dreadfully old door, and took my final steps before I'd feels an all too familiar pain.

Natsu's PoV

Once we finish the planning, pack up the weapons and set out on our journey, most have turned into their old selves. Elfman was chanting how manly we were being. Juvia was cooing over Gray again. Gajeel had Levy on his shoulder as she read into the history of the Heartfilia family. Erza had one of the most determined faces I've ever seen, it was almost scary. Happy was flying around my head, squealing about all the missions we'll be able to do when Luce comes back. And I was smiling the entire time.

Lucy's PoV

I wobbled out of my father's office as usual. The week old bruises had refreshed and the cuts on my arms had reopened. My fancy, pink dress was ripped to shreds and the linen that covered my still healing wounds, had been burnt off. I almost crawled back to my room, to where my medical kit would be.

I weakly pushed the door open and stumbled into the grand room. Nobody in this place helps me. They don't know what I deal with. Because they're not here. There aren't any servants. There aren't any helpers. There is only liars who say they don't know anything, but know even more than I do. They watch as I pay a price. They ignore when they hear my screams. They turn a blind eye when they see I've suffered so much, I faint. These people, these humans, were friends of mine as a child. We would play and act like family. But that all stopped when my mother passed. They pretended they didn't even know me. Just an employer they hated. One they would talk bad about in their lunch hours as they smoked behind the garbage cans. There was only one person here who treated me the same as before. But, he does not belong to this world. He was a spirit of my mothers. A friend from Fairy Tail. A brother. But I haven't seen him since that day. The day he was enclosed in glass. The day my life was stripped from me. The day this hell would start again.

Natsu's PoV

As we traveled down the same path we did only a day ago, I began to feel uneasy. What has her father been doing to her this entire time? I swear to Mavis if he's hurt her I'm going too kill him... If Erza doesn't get to him first.

Lucy's PoV

Suddenly, after dressing my wounds and changing again, I hear a knocking at my door. "Miss Lucy. The time has come." An elderly woman enters the room with a dress bag in hand and a few younger women behind her. I remembered the events of yesterday. I tried to break the arrangement my father had told me about, probably a week ago. I was arranged to marry the duke of Crocus' son. Yeah, a duke. Most girls would dream of that as a child. A handsome prince on a white horse, saving the damsel in distress. But in my situation at the moment, I'd rather have the dragon that terrorises the town.

The girls left me in my room to change into my wedding dress and apply my make up. The dress was long, white, see through at the ends, sleeves that created the illusion of many snowflakes covering my skin. My chest was covered by the same design and the dress went to my feet and further, leaving a trail behind me. If I wasn't being forced into this, I might actually like the dress. I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror, imaging my mother standing beside me, fixing my vail or crying about how I wasn't going to be her little baby anymore. But all those dreams were killed the same day she was.

I sighed, lifted the hem ever so slightly and walked out the room. The same ladies as before escorted me to the church that was built on the edge of our property. It was a tall, traditional church with silver walls and amazing architecture, it reminded me of Cardeth Cathedral. I sighed again, finding it hard to breath in the kind of slimming dress. My father stood beside me in disgust and grabbed my arm. "You better not mess this up, otherwise it's back to the chamber for you." He scowled and released the tight grip on my arm. I moved it around a bit to see if it were broken or not. Sadly, it wasn't, if it were, I'd be able to get out of this.

I heard the sound of organs playing inside and the doors opened calmly. I plastered a smile on my face before the vail was lowered, covered my entire face so no one could see in, I frowned again. And this is where another hell starts.

Natsu's PoV

When we finally came across a large building, happy pulled the paper out of his bag. "We suspect the boundaries are here, here and here. In the centre is most likely where the main generator will be. Make sure you are not spotted by a single soul and don't go after Lucy before we are all aware that the lacrimas are destroyed. Make sure there is not a trace of the lacrima left, we don't know how powerful these things are. And last, and certainly not least, be as quiet as you can." Erza states. "Like a Nin Nin?" Happy claps his hands together and uses a piece of cloth to cover his face. "Like a Nin Nin." Master nods and this puts our plan into action.

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