Chapter 6: Rest Of My Life

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Natsu's PoV

Once we got to the closest building I could smell Luce in, we hid behind the corner. "Okay. There are two guards in the front door, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were any on the inside as well. So Gray a-." Before Erza could finish her whispered speech, I jumped out in front of the two muggle men in armour and punched them in the face, and they instantly fainted. "Either Natsu got the hell of a lot stronger, or these guys are crap at what they do." Gajeel smirked. "I'm gonna go with the second option." Gray chuckled, crossing his arms with a smug look on his face. "Yah wanna repeat that, freezer brains!" I yelled at him. "I think it's because of Lucy." I heard Levy whisper to Mira, Wendy and Juvia. "Yeah, they're totally meant to be!" Mira cooed with hearts in her eyes. "That way she'll stay away from Gray-sama." Juvia turned to jelly. "Sh-Shut up. Les just go save Luce." I quickly turn to the door so no one could see my heated cheeks. She's just on the other side of this door.

Lucy's PoV

As the vicar blabbers on about peace and prosperity and all that nonsense, I feel a rush of energy over come me. Wha? What is this! I can feel my magic returning! Impossible! I gasp internally so no one could hear.

Suddenly, the large doors that I had walked through, what felt like, hours before, cracked open and in came a reaper-like creature. It hovered over to my father and whispered in his ear. Jude's eyes flinched a little and muttered something under his breath. With that leaving word, the creature floated back to wherever it came from. The weird thing was, no one else seemed to notice it! That's his magic. Ghoul magic. How can I see his minions. Only magic users can see them, and the magic barracks are up! What the hell! I think with a raised brow I look to the ground. "We are here today – before God – because marriage is one of His most sacred wishes – to witness the joining in marriage of Melvin and Lucy." Yes, that was my husband-to-be's name. I know right, what a score. A beater and the name to go with that dashing smile. Note the sarcasm.

Either way, I was not looking forward to the rest of my life. 

Natsu's PoV

"Hang on a sec." I put my hand up as we pass the second, and hopefully last, wave of guards. "What is it Natsu-San?" Wendy asks. "Is it me, or did it suddenly get really cold in here?" I turn to the rest looking to the corners of the room. "It smells like the rest of this place. Fancy, with a hint of death and damp." Gajeel shrugs. "That maybe, but let's be aware of our surrounds from here on out. If Natsu's getting cold, it's got to be something big." Master commands, sitting in the backpack that Macao is holding. "Are you sure you can't walk the rest of the way, Master?" Macao pants, knees wobbling like he was about to collapse under the pressure. "No. I'm keeping my strength up for the battle." Gramps stretches out, looking rather comfortable. "But we're literally outside the room." The mule cries animated tears. "Natsu-bro, hurry before something bad happens." Romeo sweat drops at his father.

As told I place my body on one side of the ginormous doors, while Gray gets the other, and we put all our force into breaking in the chapel. This has to be some sort of sin. Oh well.

Lucy's PoV

Suddenly, the chapel doors burst open and land loudly on the floor. As the dust clears from the wreckage, I here the chuckle of my best friend. "I think we might be too strong!" He cheers, scratching the back of his head. "Aye sir!" He squeaky voices partner yelled beside him. "I think they started with us." Gray crossed his arms, looking upon the seen ahead of him. "Well that rude, we should teach them a lesson." Erza cracked her knuckles. "Wow! This place is big enough for my book collection! When we're done here, I'll move them all in!" Levy gasped, looking at the sliver beams above her with twinkling eyes. "There's not going to be anything left when when we're finished with it." Gajeel snickered. "Lucy-nee! Long time no see!" Romeo laughed, waving at me. "She sure looks pretty. I can't believe she got all dolled up without me." Mira cried animated tears. "Hey Lucy! Got any good beer around?" Cana chuckled. "Hello my child. How have you been? You've been late to the guild lately." Master chuckled. "Mi-minna." I muttered. "Who are you? And what are you doing on my property?!" Father boomed. "Well, how informal. We only want to see how love-rival was doing." Juvia acted snooty. "Looks like we're not wanted here. How about we get our family back? Right everyone!" Macao raised his fist in the air. "Fa-Fairytail." I stutter again. "WE'RE COMIN' LUCE!" Natsu cheered and they all cheered again "EVERYONE!" I finally made my word clear and rushed straight down the steps, pulling the skirt of my dress up with the same hand I had the bouquet in. "Stop right there!" Father boomed once again and grabbed me by the waist as I pasted him, stopping me in my tracks. "You're not going. Do you remember the deal we made? If you do as I say, I don't hurt your little friends." He smiled mercilessly at me. I looked from him, to Fairytail, then to him again.

That was the moment I knew. The moment the determination on my friends' faces encouraged me as well. The moment all the secrets and lies I had made up, were no more. That was my moment.

"No!" I scream out and, somehow, get out of his grasp. By now, everyone in the cathedral was stearin in bewilderment. "I'm not going to let this go on any further! Do you know why I have every inch of my body covered right now?!" I look out to the on lookers. "Not because it's my 'wedding day' or the fact I want to dress like this! It's because of this!" I rip the vail off and show the bruises and cuts my father had given me. "And these!" I lift my skirt up and show much, much more. "And that isn't even the half of it! My father has been doing this since my mother passed! And before that, he beat her! The only thing he brings is pain. He made a deal with the devil himself to have his own! He made me destroy innocents with that devil!" I scream, letting years and years of emotions bottled up, free. "He did this!" I rip a sleeve off my dress, again, show injuries my father had given me. "And this!" I rip another. "I can't take the pain anymore! The only people who ever even tried to save me from this fate, was them! Fairytail!" I point to my friends, my real family. I rip the skirt off my dress, only at the mid thigh. "All this money, got him to this!" I gasp for air, after finally finishing my speech. "Don't worry Luce, we got the rest!" Natsu smiles to me as the entirety of fairytail start heading in my direction.

Just as I tried to run at them myself, someone grabbed my waist with both of their arms. I looked behind me with fearful eyes. My captor was Melvin. "Sorry honey, but I don't want you to leave me." He told me, acting innocent, and sat his chin on my shoulder. "If you so much as speak, your father will begin the attack." He whispered, so low I just about heard him. I began shaking. "Luce, who's this?" Natsu took a step forward. "I'm her fiancé, and this our wedding." He smiled. I thought of a plan, held a determined look on my face and nodded slightly to Natsu, so Melvin could not see. He looked back at me, and smiled that goofy, natural smile. I turned my back to them and put my arm around Melvin. "But sweetheart, these are my friends, can't they stay for just a bit longer." I faked my best loving voice and smiled sweetly to him, pretending to blush. "No." He blank faced me. "Fine." I huffed and turned back to them. On instinct, he released me. "I guess I'll be leaving then." I smirked and lifted my left hand in the air, which still had my mark on. "See yah later! Happy, give us a hand?" I smiled before Happy flew by and grabbed my hand, lifting me in the air. "Hey! Get back here! Get them!" My father commanded as Happy and I flew high in the air.

Suddenly, the ghoul from earlier and many like it seeped through the walls and stain glass windows. "That's our cue! Hang in there Luce!" Natsu cheered an a battle commenced.

(Hi everyone. Sorry this took so long, it took me a while to get from the point I was at to the fight scene, but I did it! Thanks for being so patient and I hoped you enjoyed it my little storm cloud!)

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