Chapter 27: In The Walls

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Twisting and turning just as I remember, I moved smoothly within the walls of my childhood home. It had been an hour since I escaped, and I had heard calls from guards trying to find me. they were either really good actors or really poor at searching for things. Coming to a rather cool part of the castle, I stopped where I felt a draft. Removing a loose brick to the hall, I peeked through to see if the coast was clear. Inside was pitch black, not a thing to be seen but a small, white glow in the centre. Something laid in the middle spread out, but it was too dark to comprehend anything valid. Believing no one else was in the room, I opened the secret door to inspect. A wall of frost met me, the smell of death filling my nose. Oh please God. Don't let it be Natsu. I prayed, Using the scarf to cover my nose. Zeref, for some reason, had left it with me from when Natsu tried to save me. Stalking to the magic circle I spotted from the glowing, whatever was in the heart became more clear to me. It was Natsu. I gasped, not being able to contain it. His body was weak and limp, face screwed up in pain, and his vain were glowing red. From where I stood, outside the circle, I could feel the heat emitting from him in the ice-cold room.

After my eyes adjusted a bit, I could see all the strange writing on the wall, scratches mixed with them. This room seemed to be holding something unholy before it captured Natsu, or this was Natsu's doing. I wasn't surprised something like this was in my house, there were many rooms I had never gone in, let alone a few corridors I wasn't allowed down. Natsu's hair was turning white, and his skin was going paler with his veins turning blood red.

Suddenly, the magic circle got the hell of a lot brighter, blinding me. The magic seemed to be drawing something out of me, and it hurt my chest. Clutching said body part, I dropped to my knees. It wasn't my heart ache for seeing Natsu in this condition, but something more magical than human biology. It was my soul. Slowly, I felt my face crack and my hair darken. My arms grew limp and I heard a voice saying to get the hell out of here, but I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. "I-I can't m-move!" I screamed through the cries of pain I felt.

Abruptly, I felt someone tackle me, an animal-like face breathing heavily before me. Pink roots turning to pure white, the ends singed. The heat it was emitting almost hurt. If I weren't a dragon slayer, I would've cooked to death by now. I could hear blood pumping through the wrists beside my head as the monster pinned me down. Then, through all the fear I felt, it kissed me. heating washed through me. Whatever that was being pulled out was buried again. Immediately, I recognised the lips on mine as my lover's, and my partner's. Although he had stopped whatever was happening to me, I was still growing weaker from the magic circle, the shortened air supply wasn't helping. "N-Natsu! N-Now is not the time!" I cried out in between the attempts to finish the kiss.

Finally, he set me free, jumping up and holding his hand out to me. He seemed different. Good or bad, I didn't know, but I trusted him with all my heart. Taking his offer to help me up, he held me as close to his body as he could. "Hold on." Was the only words his deeper voice muttered as I wrapped my arms around his chest, him raising one arm in the air and looking up. He pulled both arms around me. "FIRE DEMON ROAD!" He screamed out and a massive, black ball of fire erupted from his cake hole, blasting through the many floors above us. "Woah." Was all I could murmur as I saw a pair of guards look down at us from two stories up. Noticing Natsu's magical energy, greatly enhanced from what it already was, they ran off screaming. Natsu laughed his normal innocent laugh and jumped to one part of the broken flooring, lifting me onto it before pulling himself up. Leaving him to regain his breath from his hard work, I sat there in disbelief as his body returned to normal. "That was something, huh?" He chuckled, resting his head to the side to look at me. "It was a little more than something." Eyes still wide as golf balls, I rested my arms on one side to hold me up. "You're ble-." Cutting off his remark on my physical state, I jumped at him. "WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING? TRYING TO HELP ME LIKE THAT? WE COULD HAVE STAYED TOGETHER AND THOUGHT OUT A PLAN!" I screamed cupping both sides of his face as tears of anxiety flew down my face. I was on top of him, his arms spread out either side. "But we got split up! I had to be brought back to that place! Why did you leave me, Natsu!" I broke down further, shaking as I questioned him. My sobs became harder, and I couldn't speak. All Natsu could do was softly push my head into his chest, letting my hug him. "I was so worried about you. I thought you were dead." I cried out again, becoming quieter and quieter. "I'm sorry Luce. I should have thought ahead. But you know me." He chuckled, trying to make the situation lighter as he sat up, making me sit on his lap. "Numbskull." I punched his chest lightly as he wiped my tears away.

Out of nowhere, we heard a shot from down the hall. "We should probably get out of here," Natsu commented as a whole squad of Zeref's minions came running at us. "Yeah!" I stated the obvious, jumping up and holding my hand out to him. He took it and we ran down the hall, hand in hand. "Do you trust me?" I shouted to him, not looking back as I was the leader. "Do I have a choice?" Natsu chuckled, getting out of breath. "No!" Was the last thing I shouted after throwing us both out a window at a crossroad.

As we fell, Natsu hugged me as I tight as possible, making sure he was on the bottom. I clutched him with an equal strength and we landed in a pond just outside the window. Floating, I took Natsu's hand as he pulled us to the surface. "We're in the South East wing. There's a village a couple miles out. Someone there will be able to help us!" I shouted as I dragged him to land, both of us severally out of breath. Surviving an entire army was hard. "What about Zeref?" Natsu shouted over the explosion being shot at us from the squad who had found us, not having the guts to jump like we did. "We'll find the guild and regroup. We won't be able to deal with this alone!" I shouted, dodging another magic bullet. "Luce, wait!" Natsu shouted, pulling me to hide behind a tree. Suddenly, he kissed me. "That's for not noticing sooner." He smiled once he let go. "What?" I asked, looking behind him to see a trio of men on ogre-boars coming for us. "That I'm in love with you." He smirked down at me and I blushed. "Argh! We don't have time for this!" I screamed and grabbed his hand, running as fast as I could to escape the attacks.

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