Chapter 19: Another Magical Night

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Lucy's POV

We ran through the forest, me taking the lead, until we reached probably one of the tallest trees here. "Can you climb?" I turned to Natsu after jumping to the highest hand hold I could. "I'll race yah." He smirked back, jumping a little further than me and reaching for a branch. I knew for a fact that this tree was quite old, and some of the branches were very weak. And the one he had grabbed so happened to be one of those branches. "Natsu! Wai-." I was cut off by Natsu falling, grabbing my hand on the way down and falling with him. "Ow!" I grunted when we fell, Natsu's chiselled chest cushioned the blow a bit. "Ah, sorry Luce!" Natsu lifted his head quicker than I would've expected, and we bumped heads. "Ow, Natsu.~ Why do you keep doing that?" I cry, sitting up and rubbing my temple. "S-Sorry Luce." Natsu sweat dropped at he lifted himself up on his hands, making our faces go incredibly close again. "We keep ending up in this situation, huh?" Natsu smirked playfully, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Got any of that sake left?" I chuckled. He pouted as I stood up, handing him my hand. I lifted him up and he pulled me over his shoulder. "Hey! Natsu put me down!" I command, playfully hitting his back as he climbs up the tree, making sure to be as careful as possible. "Careful Luce, I might drop you." Natsu huffed as he made a huge leap for the next branch. "No you won't." I relaxed a bit, resting my limbs. "Then stop moving and let me take care of my little princess, okay?" He patted my backside before continuing up the tree. Thankfully he hadn't noticed the incredible blush on my entire face.

Once we got to the top, Natsu let me down safely to the very light brown, wooden flooring. I had done a lot of work up here so it was made perfectly to my liking. There were small light lacrimas floating around like fireflies and scraps of cloth I had found to block the sunlight in the morning. It was quite board for a tree house. Around 6 by 6 metres wide. I only had a hammock, a bunch of cushions of all different sizes, and a couple piles of books neatly stacked in the corner. It was like a teenagers dream hangout room.

As I went to jump on the cushion mountain, Natsu gazed around. "Wow Luce, you lived in this place for 3 months?" (That sounds about right.). He chuckled, looking at my living arrangements. "Pretty much, it gets pretty cosy in here so I was alright. But when I came back, I had a flock of birds living here." I laughed, remembering the effort I had to put in to get them out of here. "Well, now that we're alone. We can do anything we want." He smirked, laying next to me and leaning his head on his hand. "Yeah. And what would we do?" I asked, playing with him. "I think you know what I want to do." He smiled suggestively, putting his hand on the opposite side of my waist to him, pulling me to face him. "I definitely do." I smirked, drawing closer to his ear. "Sleep." I whispered sexily and jumped onto my hammock, leaving Natsu gobsmacked. "Luce, you got my hopes up!" He cried, getting up and walking towards me. "I'm sorry Natsu, come in. The ropes are magic so they won't break at how heavy you are." I smirked, lifting the blanket I had to show some space for him to get in. "That's it!" He jumped on, instantly starting to tickle me. "N-Natsu! Ahah ahaha! Natsu! Natsu stop!" I laughed hysterically, trying to pull his arms away. "Beg for it Luce." He smiled slyly, bringing his lips to my ear as he whispered. "Natsu please!" I gasped out, struggling to say anything through the laughing and tears. "Please what?" He asked again. "S-Stop tickling m-me!" I gasped for breath and he just... stopped. "It's been a long day. Why don't we catch some shut eye?" He flopped down beside me, laying in his side and pulling my back to him. "I'd like that." I smiled lightly and closed my eyes, placing my hand on Natsu's, which was on my shoulder I was laying on, and snuggled up.

It was probably the best sleep I had had in a long time.

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