Chapter 28: Regrouping

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Lucy's PoV

Arriving at the village, somehow losing Zeref's army on the way, we collapsed in the town center. I knew neither of us had any oxygen left like we had just gone for a 100-mile run. After panting for at least a minute, I heard Natsu laughing beside me. "What's so funny?" I breathed heavily, rolling onto my back because I could no longer hold myself up on my elbows. "We just escaped a feakin' army!" Natsu chuckled, standing up and stretching. "How do you still have so much energy?" I sighed, amazed at him. "Come on. I'll carry you." Natsu put his hand on my back and my knees to carry my bridal style to a bench not too far away. "I'll go see if there are any communication lacrimas around here. Stay right there." He told me, being firm as he left. "I couldn't even if I wanted to!" I shouted after him and he soon returned with the ball of magic energy. "You remember the guild's number?" Natsu asked as he sat, chuckling at his forgetfulness. This moment felt like the previous events hadn't happened. Like my arm wasn't fractured. Like I wasn't bleeding and beaten. Like there wasn't an entire country after us. The end of the world wasn't coming. It was just the two of us after a tiring mission, waiting at a nearby town for the train.

"Are you kidding? I have it seared into my brain." I giggled, taking the ball and putting the guild's number in. "Do you think they'll pick up," Natsu asked as he held his arm around me. "I don't know, they could still be treating the others, or out looking for us. Who knows how long we've been gone." My face scrunched in worry, the pain inflicted on my body returning. "Your arm's going to break if we don't treat it soon. Give it here, I grabbed some stuff on the way." Natsu pulled out a medical kit from seemingly nowhere and took my fractured arm, mending it with a splint. As he was treating me, ignoring his own wounds, someone answered. "Lucy!" Mira's voice screamed, her face appearing inside the ball. "Mira! Is everything okay over there? Please tell me you found the others!" I exploded, not being able to move my arm and Natsu moving to treat my leg. "Yes, Erza and Gray are the only one's that woke up, but what happened to you guys? Are you okay? Where are you?" She loaded us with questions, Natsu chuckling at her worrying. "Beat up, but we're alright. We're in a village not far from my father's estate, but we'll talk about that later. We can't talk in full detail, but a war is coming." I informed, Natsu bandaging my leg. "What do you mean?" Mira asked, Master, appearing behind her. "Gramps! Hi! Prepare for an attack, we don't know how long we have before Zeref finds out we escaped. We'll get on the next train to Magnolia and meet you at the guild." I told them, now treating Natsu's wounds with my one good arm. "We'll tell everyone you're alright. Get here safely." And with that, we finished the call.

"Come on, get on my back, you can't walk with those wounds." Natsu turned his back to me after I treated his wounds, which were cuts from the spell he was put under. It seemed I was the one that got the most of Zeref's wrath. "Are you sure? Aren't you tired from running?" I asked, worrying about his health. "Come on, you're the one carrying a child." He told me seriously, this shown on his face. "You heard that?" I blushed, looking away from him. "It's what woke me up. Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what. And we'll make sure whatever he wants won't get to him." He cupped my cheeks and tears filled my eyes as we kissed. "Now let's get going before they catch our trail. Who knows what they have hiding up their sleeve." He told me, turning again and I got on his back. He carried me all the way to the train station and surprisingly didn't get ill when we were on the train itself.

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