Chapter 32: Longer Than Expected

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While Natsu and Lucy were being informed regarding the future, the real world around them was being torn apart. Time ran differently in Purgatory, where a few minutes turn to hours. In that time, Mermaid Heel and Quatros Cerberus had been taken down by the sheer number of the army they were fighting. Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale would soon be following them if Fiore didn't get some help soon. All this damage and pain had been caused by two demons from the book of Zeref and the Spriggan 12. "Looks like we'll be home in time for dinner!" Dimaria chuckled, just taking down the last bachelor of the Trimens team. "It's troublesome this is taking so long. The demons should be able to do me." Brandish sighed, using a pebble from a nearby cliff's edge to squash her enemies once she had grown it to a boulder. "They slept for a long time. Don't worry, we'll deal with them, together." Dimaria smiled to her friend and they continued fighting.

Somewhere else in Magnolia, the demons and the main characters of Fairy Tail were facing off. "Shadow! What is this?" Erza shouted out as the demon looked anywhere but the guild members. "Are you dumb? We're taking over your world, of course! And there's nothing you can do about it!" Natsu, well, END laughed maniacally, Gray clenching his fists at the comment. "You promised her! You promised my sister you wouldn't turn on her!" Ezra screamed again, running forward to attack the demon. On reflex, Shadow blocked the attack and Erza went flying across the garden. She flinched at how Erza landed, but she couldn't show any emotion, she would be punished for it. "END, we don't need to deal with these weaklings. Let's leave them for the 12." Pretending to be disgusted by the humans' mere presence, Shadow stuck her nose up as the guild ran to Erza. "You know our mission, Shadow. This won't take long. If you want, I can always let you help the others while I deal with these insects." Kicking the guild member that was ambitious enough to attack the demons, END offered. "No! I-I'll deal with them." Shadow jumped at the attack of an ex-comrad.

Suddenly, after Shadow's scream, END jerked forward. It was as if he was gagging, but his face looked pained. "W-What is this?" END questioned, clutching at his stomach. The guild members cowering in front of him backed off a little after seeing a bright, orange light emitting from his shoulder, where Natsu's mark used to be. "They're back!" Shadow cried out, pulling the attention back to herself. She had tears collecting in her eyes, but they were ones of relief and happiness. "What have you done?" END span around, clutching his shoulder as he hobbled towards the other demon. "You underestimate humans, END. Even the one you've been lying dormant in for years." Shadow smirked, although she soon, too, felt the pain he was feeling. She also had the glow where Lucy's mark used to be. "I-It can't be. How can a species so weak have some much power?" He questioned, turning back at the sound of metal rubbing together. It was Erza, being held up by Gajeel and Elfman, one under each arm. "Because we have each other's back." She sneered, Gray smirking as Elfman laughed. "Yeah! Like men!" Elfman cheered, END's eyes growing wide. "No! You can't use friendship as a power! That's impossible." He exclaimed, falling to his knees as the veins on his neck began to pulse thick, glowing blood. "How do you think we survived so long, END?" Shadow shouted, running and kneeling in front of the man she once loved dearly. "He did this to us. He wants to use us as his puppets. Don't you remember our dream?" Frowning her brows, the face of Lucy still wasn't changing back to its original state. But, Natsu's was. His white hair was burning at the roots, pink flicks slowing eating away at the soulless thing consuming him. "Of course I do, Shadow. But it's not our life anymore. After all, we lost." END coughed up some strange, black goo as he lost his strength, his control. "We never lost him, END. He's still out there. He's still fighting to find what he once knew. We need to show him that the world isn't his anymore." Shadow continued, ignoring her partner's dying state. She stroked back his hair, lying him on the ground. "How? What about Natsu? His brother isn't as understanding. Our son isn't our son anymore." END coughed again, Natsu was slowly taking control of his body again. "END, my love. You need to let Natsu control you. If you don't, you'll die." Shadow began to choke up on her tears as she saw the cracking face of the man she once had a life with. A man she once made two beautiful boys with. "Make sure he does the right thing, Shadow. Take care of our granddaughter." END sighed before closing his eyes, the tight grip he had on Shadow's hand quickly fading.

Shadow sighed, standing once again. "Juvia knew love-rival wouldn't betray us!" Juvia cheered, running up and hugging her demon still having control of her guild sister's body. "You know I'm a demon, right?" Shadow joked as everyone crowded around. "We can't do this now. We have to stop the war." Erza announced as Mira took her from the men's assistance. "How? There are 12 O.P bosses on the field that we definitely can't beat by ourselves. All the other guilds have already been taken out!" A random member of Fairy Tail called out, making Shadow smirk. "Guys, whatever happened to that guild spirit of ours! I'm not letting my baby growing up with a bunch of cowards!" Suddenly jumping into Lucy form, the blonde smiled brightly, laughing at her family. "Lucy!" They all cheered, going in for a group hug. But, Lucy put her hand up to stop them as she put her hand out to the limp body on the group.

Suddenly, a loud groaning sound emitted from Natsu, who once again had full control of his body. "I told you it's difficult the first time you do it! Why don't you ever listen to me?" Lucy sighed as she helped her boyfriend up, him complaining that his shoulder hurt. "Yeah, yeah." He grumbled childishly and Lucy crossed her arms, turning back to the small crowd of guild members that stayed for a battle briefing. "I'm not even surprised by anything anymore." Lizanna sighed, Mira, laughed uncomfortably after returning from taking Erza inside. "We'll explain what happened later! But right now, we have a really big foe ahead of us. Who's in?" Taking the full lead in the absence of her older sister, Lucy rallied the remaining troops they had. "Is that even a question?" Gajeel grumbled, Levy, elbowing him in the side. "Of course, Lu-chan! What do you need us to do?" The little woman smiled, Lucy smiling back. "Well, taking control of our bodies took a little longer than expected! So, there's one thing we need you guys to do!" Natsu shouted, silencing the murmuring guild members.

(HHHeeeeyyyyy gguyyysss. Omg, I never realised how long it has been since I updated, I'm just a crappy person altogether, ignoring all the commented TT. I'll try updating more frequently, and I know I've said that before, but I seriously will try! Truth be told, I'm ending this book either next chapter or the one after that. I've been working on a truckload of other books that are kpop related and I hope to start publishing those when I wrap up my current works, but I've hit writer's block for all Fairy Tail related stuffs I've published. And if you've read any other books that I've barely started and haven't updated, I'll probably delete those because I don't even remember the storyline of them *facepalm*.

Anyway, if this chapter was a little confusing, I'll explain. Basically, the demons that are controlling Lucy, Shadow, and Natsu, END, are really the souls of Zeref's and Natsu's parents. WHHATTT? I know, plot twist, right? When Zeref tried to mess with black magic + after his family had died, he accidentally extracted their souls and the only way to make sure he wouldn't get in trouble for it was to put them in people. As they had been dead when their souls were stolen by mistake, they didn't completely remember their lives when they were alive in the beginning, so that why they killed and plundered and did everything Zeref told them. Now that they've been reunited, they begin to remember. Shadow, having Lucy as her vessel, remembered far before END. I guess Natsu gets his stupidity from his dad lol.

I think that fixes things, but now that I read it over, it makes things more confusing. Whoops! If anyone has any questions about this chapter or my upcoming books, please comment and I'll try to answer. Again, sorry it's been so long since I updated and I would appreciate it if you voted! Thanks my little storm clouds!!!!!!)

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