Chapter 1.

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Summer is suitable for all kinds of love. Passionate, temporary and permanent. It's easier for young people to find their summer romances anywhere and everywhere. The season of love brings joys and happiness around everyone and that is certainly not the best part. The best part is when you find that special someone and you look them in their eyes and your heart screams, "Yup, that's the one." You crave their presence and affection and when you do get your feelings reciprocated, you are in heaven. For some those feelings lasts longer but for some they doesn't. Some people already keep their minds set of keeping their relationship temporary but some people find their forever in someone.

I also had a summer love.

That's right, had. My life was a fairytale. I lived inside the books and believed in magic, talking animals, toxic apples, true love's kiss and of course, the prince charming. I did have someone charming in my life though, but she was no prince. I wouldn't even call her a princess because she was a fucked up mess. But she was my mess and I still haven't found a love like her. She was out of the fantasies and even with her flaws, she was the most perfect human being to me.

People are often mature when they are eighteen years old but I was naïve, took everything too personally. People often called me "sunflower Camila" because of how sensitive I was. But she called me what everyone didn't. She was always different from other people. She challenged me. For my sake she pretended to believe in magic even if she found that total absurd. She tried to change for me and left everyone when I asked her to and without thinking twice she shouted "Hell yeah!" at the top of her lungs.

I was her Camz. Only hers.

But love wasn't enough. We were too good for each other and we were too bad for each other. She was my poison and I was toxic to her. But she was my sun and I was her moon. My light came from her and when she wasn't there, I wasn't there. Things came our way, we were stronger at first and held onto the same rope, standing at each end but the hurdles between us were growing and growing and one day, that rope broke and I was left with my end while she left with hers.

My summer love was over, two years later. And I realised that we came half way through the winters already.

So that's it. I am Camila Cabello Mahone, a happily married woman with a three years old baby girl. And this is my life story, because I knew that fantasies aren't meant for everyone.

But I did live a slight portion of my fantasy. My fairy tale was ten years ago. And here is how it started.

I ran towards the subway station as fast as I could. I didn't want to waste a single second. Not because I was worried about missing my train, but I was worried about one of the passengers on it. The green eyed girl. That stranger in a leather jacket who totally got me smitten without even telling me her name. It has been five weeks since she first arrived at the subway station. Mostly I knew everyone who traveled with me, I liked to make new friends and talk about their lives more often but that green eyed girl never talked. She just nodded or smiled at every question someone asked her. For the first three weeks I thought she was mute until one day her cellphone rang and for the first time ever I heard her deep husky voice. Her voice had a bedroom aura in it and at times I dreamed of her...naked.

The stranger on the train affected my life more than I admitted that she did but I never really had the courage to actually go and speak to her. She was different. She was confident but didn't like to socialize and it was fine with me. As long as I got to admire her from a far. My friends and family knew about this new person in my life who was a stranger like everyone else but meant more to me than anyone else too. She was my stranger.

There were days where she used to have dark circles under her eyes. I didn't use to directly jump into worse situations but I felt like she had family problems. Maybe that was why she was quiet and reserved. But there were days where she had paints and sketching marks on her hands and clothes. She was mysterious and maybe that was why I found her extremely intriguing.

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