Chapter 15.

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"Lauren Jauregui, what a pleasure seeing you here."

The Antonio guy said as he walked towards me while extending his hand out. I smiled wide and moved closer and shook my hand firmly with his ice cold ones. His grin wouldn't go away even for a single second and I noticed the golden tooth in his mouth. He definitely smiled alot just to show his teeth off. Not even for a second I looked at Camila who was still staring at me. I could feel her eyes on me from the corner of my own.

Normani was right though, this guy was a bit perveted. Even when I tried to let go of his hand, he kept on holding it and that thing made me extremely uncomfortable that nobody had any idea about it. Soon, I began walking forward and he finally let go of my poor hand which I instantly wiped from my shirt. I saw a glimpse of the other latina who was grinning ear to ear, she probably saw me wiping my hand away but why the fuck was she smiling? I thought she didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

"I didn't catch your name?" I asked the French man who indeed had a French beard.

"Antonio Joris at your service, mademoiselle." the guy in his mid thirties sent me a flirtious smirk and I just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright Antonio, let's go see whatever you wanted to see," I said as I made my way further inside the gallery.

Camila and Antonio followed me inside the gallery and I showed him around. Other than the little information written under the paintings, I had no idea what to say about them so most of the times I made sure to make up the stories for them. Antonio was a rich dumbass, he believed in every word I said even though most of it was false. Camila knew, she saw right through me that I didn't know much stuff but she didn't say anything, she played along.

I mentally killed Normani in my head for a lot of times tonight. Firstly, she sent me here where there isn't any Laura. Secondly this French guy kept on hitting on me and kept on throwing weird pickup lines which absolutely made no sense and third, she didn't warn me about the information he would want. The dumb guy had an eye for art and that made it difficult for me to make up new stories for the paintings about which I had no clue about. I was going to kill Normani.

Antonio was extremely loaded, though. I could tell just by looking at him that his bank balance digits were more than six. Other than his golden tooth, he carried six phones, leaving Paris Hilton far behind. The guy could dress up too. He wore a navy blue Armani suit with black loafers underneath, a golden Rolex watch was resting on his wrist and I could tell that he owned his personal jet too. When curiosity got the best of me, I finally asked him about what he did.

"Business here and there. My family goes way back in the early 1900's. We are the biggest fossil fuel extractors in the entire Europe." The French man said. While he talked about his work, not even for a second he come off as a perverted guy. I guess professionalism changed his attitude.

"This is amazing. So you guys have facilities, right?" I asked.

"You could say that. We mostly extract and refine oil and change its forms. It is easier and provides better money. We are just thinking of extending our business in Saudi Arabia because there is fortune of oil but I don't think they would allow us with that sort of business."

"Oh, that's a pity." I sarcastically replied but the guy thought I was actually feeling sorry for him. I wasn't.

My eyes met Camila's for a second but she instantly looked away. I didn't know what was up with her lately but at times she would look at me and smile and times she would look away as if she doesn't even know me. But then again, I was doing what she wanted so it's better this way. I was surprised why Antonio didn't ask us why we weren't talking yet. Anyway, the three of us headed towards my painting soon. I wasn't nervous to show my artwork to him but kind of alarmed, if he judges my beautiful girl, I'll kill him.

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