Chapter 42.

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“Absolutely not.  I'm not changing his dirty diapers.”

I practically yelled at the two girls who stood right in front of me and looked at me with pleading eyes. Apparently Miguel left us a surprise in his diaper and the two women in my life were continuously begging me to change. It was hard enough for me to accept him in my house but Lauren somehow insisted me. But no matter what I say, Miguel was the smallest, and the most cutest monkey you'd ever see. And he looked at me with such tenderness that I couldn't help but say yes for him to stay. He was so beautiful and I already found myself loving him but that didn't mean I was agreeing to change his diapers. But I was also pretty sure that Lauren and Allison would make me clean up the mess he had made.

“Camila, you already did this when Allison was a kid.” Lauren stated her point and I sent a death glare her way. That wasn't the best argument.

“She is a human and my daughter. This is a monkey.” I said as I pointed at Miguel who was hiding behind the couch now. Lauren and Allison being dramatic as hell, gasped, and then rolled their eyes at me.

“Have some manners. You are hurting his feelings. He is only a week old.” Lauren whined as she walked towards Miguel the monkey and picked him up in her arms as if she was holding a real baby.

I rolled my eyes when I saw the affection she was showing him. I couldn't believe it, I honestly couldn't. Even though it wasn't a surprise that Lauren bought a monkey since she always was a sucker for wild life animals but I couldn't believe how she was treating him. I found it really cute. When the smell of his little surprise became unbearable, I took him from her and covered my nose with a scarf before moving towards the toilet. I didn't know how we were going to train him but I'll leave it up to Lauren, she'll be the one training him along with Allison. After what felt like forever, I was done with him and he was given a bath along with a nappy change.

“Come on Miguel, let's take you back to your other mommy.” I said to him as he wrapped his small hands around my neck and snuggled his face in my neck. I was slowly starting to fall in love with him, he was so beautiful.


“Monkey? Are you kidding me? Wasn't Allison enough?” Megan said as soon as she entered my apartment.

By now everyone knew about our new addition in the family and friends and no one was ready to believe it. Megan did but she was quite astonished. That silly smirk never left her face when she saw her sister and Allison sitting on the couch, feeding him with his bottle. Lauren was being so extra, she took his pictures and bought new clothes for him. She was treating him like a real baby which made me and Megan make fun of her for the whole evening. But Lauren didn't care. Miguel ended up making Megan fall for him too because he was such a little cute monkey and I finally decided to accept him in my family too. As the youngest child.

I couldn't help but think about my children with Lauren. How will they look like or if she would even want to marry me. Does she want to marry me? Because we have been dating for a while now and she still hadn't popped the question yet. I thought about proposing her but I was scared of the rejection. Even though I had absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Lauren and I were together without any hurdles or difficulties. She wouldn't reject me. But you never know with Lauren too. God, why everything's got to be so damn complicated? Taking a sigh, I decided to ask Lauren about the marriage as soon as Megan goes back home. I was waiting for Megan to leave when Normani and Dinah arrived too and I groaned internally because I'd have to wait more now.

Just like everyone, they loved Miguel and Dinah kept on teasing Lauren just like they always do to each other. Dinah and Normani also got in an argument with Megan because the older Jauregui said that the monkey looked like Dinah a little when she gets too excited. It was hilarious but Allison and Lauren got butthurt, saying that the monkey was listening everything. We all ended up doing nothing other than pulling each other's legs and by the time it was ten, Miguel's energy started to get low and that was when Lauren left to make him go to bed. I was amused but at the same time I felt so lucky, how did I finally have her? It felt unreal.

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