Chapter 18.⚠

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My mind couldn't work.

I was being abducted somewhere I had no idea about. I could not speak or shout because whoever was taking me had their hand over my mouth while the other one was holding my wrists tightly. I was crying hysterically, trying to get out their embrace but I couldn't get out. Their touch was rough but gentle at the same time, it felt like they were trying not to hurt me. I felt going up the hill once again and I could tell that we were far away from my camp, there was no way that someone would hear my call for help now.

With a slight push, the person came to a stop and I just stood there. The cold breeze was hitting my skin, making me shiver but I didn't even have the courage to cover myself with the cardigan I was wearing. What if that person had a weapon? The hot tears were still streaming down my face as I tried my best to breathe. I heard the sole of boot against the ground underneath me, telling me that the person was coming forward and when that happened, I instantly moved away. I heard a slight hiss with a chuckle in the end and that was when I knew...

“Come on, Camz! Don't be dramatic.”

I instantly removed the dark cloth from my face and threw it at her. She laughed as she caught it in the mid air and walked towards me. I took a step back but instantly stopped when I realized that I was at the edge of the cliff. I was going to kill her for almost giving me a heart attack. I couldn't even breathe because of the anxiety. Lauren laughed once again and made her way towards me and this time I did not move. As soon as she got closer, I began hitting her. Her giggles echoed everywhere.

“I will seriously kill you, Lauren. I fucking hate you so much.”

Not really.

“Come on, Camila. I asked you politely to come on a date with me and you shut me down. I had to use another approach.” Lauren laughed again and I rolled my eyes.

But then I realized that it was a date and all my worries faded away. I was on a date. With Lauren. How amazing was that? What made me feel special was the fact that she tried to come here with me again even after I rejected her. How could I be mad at her after this but then again, Reyna invaded my thoughts. What if she wakes up and realizes that Lauren and I weren't there?

“What if Reyna wakes up?” I asked Lauren instantly and she smirked while closing the distance between us.

“Trust me, she wouldn't wake up even if she wanted to,” I knitted my eyebrows at her.

“Why? You drugged her or something?” I asked Lauren in complete horror. If she abducted me here, she could have drugged Reyna too.

“No, Camz. She is a heavy sleeper. Don't worry about her because we have plenty to do.”

Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the edge of the cliff. I took a huge gasp when I landed in her arms. She was surprisingly really warm and I loved that. Not that I was cold because the weather up here was bearable. Lauren didn't even wait for me to catch my breath, she just pulled me in and pressed her lips on mine. I couldn't function. All I could think was how perfect this moment was and the best of all, she wanted this moment to be spent with me, not Reyna.

I instantly responded to her kiss, nibbling on her lower lip I asked for the entrance which she gladly gave it to me because she loved it when I explored her mouth. Her hand stopped on my neck as she sucked on my lower lip hard, making me let out a throaty moan. Fuck, I loved this. She pulled away instantly and pressed her forehead onto mine. Her eyes were shining under the moonlight. Looking at her made it hard for me to believe that she was real.

Before I knew what was happening, Lauren opened her backpack which I didn't realize was hanging on her back. She took a blanket out along with a unblown pillow. I noticed whatever she was doing. Blowing up the rubber pillow, she put it aside and spread the blanket not so far from the cliff's edge. I saw her smirking as she walked the other way and laid down on the blanket and patted the space next to her.

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