Chapter 22.

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Lauren Jauregui.

I was mad beyond belief. I thought it wouldn't matter to me but it did more than I could even put into words. Camila decided to go to Texas with her husband and here I was missing her like anything. There was a huge barrier between Camila and I and that was Austin. Reyna wasn't a barrier, if I chose Camila over her she will understand but Austin would break this world apart. Reyna and Megan convinced me to let Reyna stay back. I remembered how my parents reacted when I brought Camila home back then and I wasn't sure how they would react when Reyna would be there.

Last night when Megan caught me kissing Camila, well, it was kind of scary but like all the other secrets Megan kept of mine, she kept that one too and we still haven't talked about it. Partially because we both were nervous to meet our parents and maybe also because she wasn't comfortable about it and decided to mind her own business. I wanted to talk to her about it, Taylor was already well aware about everything so it wouldn't be a big deal if I would start a conversation with Megan related to last night in front of her.

I decided to talk to her about it when we would drive to our parents' place. I was nervous to meet them but Taylor was definitely terrified. It was the first time after Diego she was going there and the three of us decided to let Reyna take care of him. We didn't take him along with us because our problematic parents would probably make a huge deal out of it. Megan on the other hand absolutely loved the little guy. I knew she would, she was a sucker for children. As soon as the three of us got changed, I drove my Range Rover to my parents house and this time I decided to talk to Megan about everything.

“So, about what you saw last night—”

Interrupting me, she said, “Which part? The part where you kissed your ex-girlfriend or the part where your ex and your fiance acted like they were best friends forever?”

Taylor laughed from the backseat as I glared at her through the rear mirror. I wasn't sure what to say to Megan but I needed to know if she was willing to keep my secret hidden or not.

“Look, I was perfectly happy with Reyna–I still am–but now Camila is here and I sort of—”

She interrupted me again, “Fell in love? It's ok. I get it. I was cheating on my boyfriend with one of my ex's and still managed to fall in love with the third one. It's okay.”

Taylor and I both looked at our older sister who shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. Megan was always the one who was so outgoing. She didn't care about people's feelings or what people might think of her. I loved that about her. I took a deep breath and tired to forget what I just heard coming out of my sister's mouth.

“But you won't tell Reyna, right?” I asked and crossed my fingers instantly.

“No way, I wouldn't. It's not my secret to tell but trust me if she finds out, hell will break loose and I'll sit back with my bowl of popcorns.” Megan sent a smirk my way and I simply rolled my eyes, she was right though.

“Go drama club.” the thirty years old grinned at me while cheering playfully. I once again rolled my eyes as Taylor kept on laughing.

But all our laughter died down when I entered my parents' huge mansion. The beach house was huge for the two of them but they were proud and show offs so it was understandable why they wanted to live in such a huge house. I sighed and exchanged last looks with my sisters before finally parking my Range Rover in one of the parking spaces right next to the garden. We were greeted by the servants who instantly took us in.

“I might have a heart attack,” my little sister said and Megan instantly grabbed her hand. “Don't worry. We'll leave if something happens.”

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