Chapter 12.

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I hurried around my office and rushed towards my best friend's cabin who called me to give me a very good news. I already had an amazing news this week which was how our new issue of People's Magazine got the most sale and subscriptions. People e-mailed us and asked for more information regarding the Maritza Petrova. Normani also told how people here visited her gallery and specifically told her how it was just as beautiful as shown in the magazine. I was very happy and extremely proud of myself.

My work on the magazine really did help me to get my mind off things which happened a month ago. I could say that I took a next step in my “moving on from Lauren” mission but I was still stuck in the same place. Even though the two of us didn't have any sort of conversation from the past month, I still knew what she was upto, now that her best friend was dating mine. Austin was back home too. After he won the case against a lawyer named Megan, he and I worked up on our relationship and just like I promised him, we went on a nice dinner and talked everything through even though I didn't tell him about the intimacy between the older Latina and I. However, I did tell him about my argument with Lauren and Austin didn't hide his feelings about it. He clearly told me that he was very happy now that I wasn't talking to Lauren anymore.

His relationship with Allison got better too. Now that my daughter didn't spend time with Lauren and hung out with Diego only at school, she had almost forgotten about the green eyed girl. And since she has forgotten her, she began to like her daddy again and for that I was really grateful. The only time Allison saw Lauren was when we went to their Halloween party at school. The party we planned to go together. As promised, Lauren showed up as Olaf whereas Diego was dressed up as Kristoff, I had never seen something so perfectly cute. Allison ended up wearing her princess fairy costume while I decided to go as a nurse. Even though Lauren and I didn't say a word to each other, she was extremely nice to my daughter but let her go as soon as I asked Allison to come with me.

Dinah and Normani on the other hand were already in love now. They exchanged the three words after their little sleepover and even though my husband hated my best friend, he was very happy that she had found someone. Christmas was very near too. I loved this month, mostly because I didn't have to wake up early in the morning to drop Allison off to school as her vacations had started but also because I loved the cold weather even though Miami doesn't have a cold weather.

As I ran towards Dinah's office, I couldn't stop the grin on my face. I knew she wanted to tell me something good related to the magazine and therefore, I sped off towards her office. Reaching there, I didn't even bother to knock before entering the room with a huge grin. My grin immediately vanished when I saw our boss sitting there with Dinah. Laura Prepon was not someone to fuck with. As gorgeous as she was, she looked like someone who eats children for her dinner. She was intimidating like that and everyone in the office was scared of her, specially because of her super crazy eyebrows. Even my best friend Dinah, who was usually fearless.

Laura turned to look at me with a slight raised eyebrow. I knew she hated me from the first day we met and if it was up to her, she would have fired me long ago but her boss, the managing director was my father's friend so there was no way he would allow me to leave without reason. I gulped hard and made my way towards the two girls inside the room. I raised my eyebrows at Dinah, asking her what was wrong but she only shrugged slightly in response.

I sat down on the empty chair next to my boss and took a deep breath as soon as Laura opened her files and began reading everything written on it. I exchanged glances with Dinah once again, she too, didn't have any idea what the fuck was actually going on in here.

“Alright ladies,” Laura began as she sat up straight on her seat.

“I want to congratulate you first for the epic issue this month. I have received e-mails from Europe, Asia, even Australia that they absolutely loved our magazine this month and its all because of Maritza Petrova. It is a huge deal since we never got such response before,” Laura said with a grin. I was very happy that finally something good was happening in my life again.

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