Chapter 20.

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I didn't remember falling asleep last night but I woke up suddenly when I heard a sound of glass shattering. The first thing that came in my mind was the fucking Ouija board which actually jerked me off the bed and made Diego stir in his deep slumber. I never actually slept last night. I thought about everything that was happening in my life and knowing how I was practically ruining everyone's life made me felt like shit. I came to a conclusion, I was moving back in with Austin. I knew I had forgiven him for what he did out of anger and I was only staying with Dinah because of my feelings for Lauren but she was ignoring me too so there was no reason to ruin everyone else's happiness just for the sake of my own pleasure.

But right now I had only one thing in my mind. Who the fuck broke the glass this early and why I thought about ouija fucking board after opening my eyes. I slowly walked out of the bedroom and saw Dinah sitting on the counter seat while pouring some sugar in her coffee cup. Dinah wasn't someone who wakes up this early but now that she had I assumed that either she had a bad dream or she was just not sleepy or maybe a miracle finally happened. She smiled at me as soon as I sat next to her and filled a cup of coffee for myself. From my peripheral vision I saw a broken coffee mug which was scattered around while the broken beer bottle from last night was taken care of.

"You know I thought about the ouija board after waking up. It's all because of you and Lauren," I mildly laughed as I sat next to Dinah. She didn't smile or threw her famous irrelevant comments.

"Please, don't talk about that this early. I beg you. I hardly slept because of that." She groaned and rubbed her eyes. Taking a sip of her coffee, she glanced at the clock and I did the same. It was seven in the morning.

"Well, you deserved it. You wanted to experiment that creepy horror stuff last night with Lauren. It's only fair." I smirked at the groaning girl who couldn't even finish her coffee.

We both fell silent. I could tell that she wasn't only just feeling low because of not sleeping last night, something was definitely bugging her. But I knew better than to ask Dinah. She never appreciated if I asked her if something was bothering her. She eventually opens up to me herself but I could tell that she knew that I finally figured out something wasn't right with her. I could sit back and assume about her fighting with Normani but I knew better than that too, they practically fought all the time and they were so open about everything that the need of heated argument isn't needed.

I patted her shoulder twice to let her know that I was there for her and left her alone for a little while. She will open up eventually, I knew. But before I could enter my room the doorbell rang and in this dead silence it sounded like an atomic blast. I turned around to check on the door but Dinah already walked towards it. I didn't even know who would want to visit us this early in the morning on a Thursday. I saw Dinah bending down and when she got up, she was grinning ear to ear. With a single red rose in her hand, she walked inside and shut the door behind her and held a little purple sticky note in her hand.

"This stuff is for you," Dinah walked towards me with a smirk on her face and a red rose in her hand. Handing me over my "stuff" she patted me on my back and walked back inside her room.

I didn't know who was it from but I had a huge feeling that Austin had something to do with it. He must have done this because he must be missing me and also, he was the only hopeless romantic person I knew. But my doubt was gone down in the drain when I read the note and my eyes instantly teared up. It wasn't Austin, it was Lauren.

'I can't seem to get that look away from my eyes. You were disappointed in me last night and I am so sorry, I am promising you today that I will make you feel so wanted and loved because I know you're doubting my feelings for you right now. I am in love with you, my Camzi. Hope you're in love with me too.

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