Chapter 43.

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Lauren Jauregui.

Today was the day. Today was the day when I was meeting Austin and his girlfriend Becky. I could say I was excited but I was more nervous to know and find out what was going to happen. What if Becky wouldn't like me? What if she would criticise my relationship with Camila and how I literally ruined her life with her husband? What if she hates me for just being with a girl altogether? But most importantly, I was nervous because Camila was meeting her ex-husband's new girlfriend for the first time. Tonight would be very eventful and I could easily feel it.

I waited for Camila to get ready since I was already done. The girl I loved took more time to get ready than the three people combined and it was really annoying at times. Allison, who was staying over with Megan, told me that one time her mother decided to take longer to get ready that they almost reached the event when it was about to get over. Funny, right? I don't even give a crap about how I looked because I was literally in my regular attire. As soon as the scent of her perfume filled the air, I knew she was done. I got up from the couch where I was sitting on and turned the television off when I heard the door opening.

Turning around I saw her, I saw Camila and my jaw dropped. She wore a red silk dress with beautiful embroidery in the bottom part. A silver necklace on her neck and her hair was beautifully done. The makeup was the best of all, it was smokey and I was loving it. I didn't even realize how badly I was staring her until she snapped her fingers right in front of my eyes and I went back to reality where Camila stood. So beautiful and all mine. The smirk on her face was prominent as ever and she knew that she had that affect on me. She knew she looked hot and beautiful at the same time and she was proud of it.

“Seeing your reaction, I think I look pretty good." Camila smirked again.

"Yes absolutely. Is that even a statement? Everyone knows how phenomenal you look." I instantly said and a smile appeared on her face as she adjusted the buttons of my flannel.

“Well, thank you, Miss Jauregui.” Camila smiled again as she planted a small kiss on my cheek and grabbed my hand. “Ready to go?"

I nodded my head, “Yes.”

And that was how the two of us walked outside our apartment, hand in hand and all giggling and laughing. I thought Camila would be nervous to meet Becky. I actually believed that but I was glad that I brought up the topic last night. Turned out that she wasn't. She was just nervous about something else which I didn't know what. Before I could ask, Allison already marched inside the room and decided to spend the night with us. I didn't mind because obviously it was her regular thing to do. Not only Camila looked stunning tonight, she looked absolutely confident. Like a lioness ready to go to hunt her prey. Maybe I was the prey, just like the rest of the people who'll lay their eyes on my beautiful girl.

The car ride was pretty simple. We both decided to talk about our old lives and how everything would have been if we hadn't broken up fifteen years ago. As much as I regret breaking up, I was glad that we did. Just because if we hadn't, we wouldn't be blessed with Allison. She was the highlight of all our days. Not to mention we built our relationship better and stronger. Maybe not all things are meant to be at the time we think they are. Maybe some things needs to be broken up just to get back together after some time, better than ever. Camila and I were like that.

After fifteen minutes of driving, we were finally at the cruise which had a very well known restaurant in the entire Miami. I didn't know if Austin or Becky would already be there but I wouldn't mind spending a few minutes alone in the ocean with the girl I loved. Deciding to text Austin and letting him know that Camila and I were there, the two of us walked towards the cruise ship, hand in hand, as the wind blew on our faces, ruining Camila's hair which apparently took an hour to get done.

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