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When I walked in the door, Alex, Matt, Nick, and Jamie were all in a ball on the floor, fighting over what seemed to be the TV remote. They all stopped when they noticed me.

"Ya know what, I'm just gonna ignore that. Someone come help me get the groceries," I told them, turning to go out to the car. "Oh," I said, leaning back in the doorway, "Jamie, you're not allowed to eat all my food this time," I half-joked.

After all the groceries were in, thanks to Matt for helping, nobody really knew what to do. "Well," Nick said, after we sat in silence for 10 minutes, "None of us have our cars; we left 'em all at the bar last night." "Oh, yeah. Want me to bring you guys over there?" I asked. Matt, Nick, and Jamie nodded, but Alex said, "D'ya mind if I stay a while? I was thinkin' we could work on some more songs." I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine."

"Y'know, Miles, I think you an' Al totally have somethin'," Jamie said as we were driving. "Yeah," Nick agreed, "You guys have been spendin' quite some time together. You should make a move or summat!" He joked. I shook my head. "I dunno, I think everyone knows I fancy him, except him, and I don't want things to be awkward, yeah?" Was all I replied with.

As we pulled up to where all their cars were, I told them, "Now, get out mah' car or have to shoot ya!" jokingly. Matt pretended to be scared and screamed in a very high-pitched voice. "Ay, Helders, don't blow our eardrums, ya bastard," Nick whined.

When I got back to the apartment, Alex was spread out on the couch, writing what I guessed were lyrics. "Hey, Mi," he said without looking up, "I wrote somethin', wanna hear?" I nodded and sat down on the arm of the sofa.

"Okay. It's not finished, but I'm calling it 'The Dream Synopsis'." He cleared his throat. He sang:

Well, we were kissing,
It was secret,
We had to sneak beyond the kitchen,
Both well aware that there'd be trouble if the manager should find us."

He hummed the parts he didn't have lyrics for. He picked up with,

And a wicked gale came howling up through Sheffield City Centre,
There was palm tree debris everywhere,
And a Roman colosseum
Isn't it boring when I talk about my dreams?

"Al, that's really good so far," I told him. He smiled. "Thanks, mate. By the way, I ate, like, half the box if fudgesicles in the freezer," he laughed. "Alex! Save me some!"

We spent most of the day writing and singing to each other what we came up with. I was getting tired around 8:00, but I don't remember falling asleep. The next thing I knew, I woke up on the couch with a blanket over me and a note taped to the coffee table. I read it:

'Morning, Mi. I gave ya a blanket last night when ya fell asleep. I had to leave around 9 this morning; I walked. Great lyrics, btw.

Xoxo, Al


I read the last part over again, the "xoxo" part. Hugs and kisses. I smiled. I got the sudden urge to call Alex. I didn't have an idea of what I was gonna say, but my mind was just screaming to talk to him.

Thus, I called him. He picked up pretty quickly. "Ello?" "Hey, Al." "What's up?" "Oh, uh, nothing, I just...wanted to ask you something," I said before realizing what I was saying. "Hm?" Now or never, I thought. "Do you, maybe, wanna go out tomorrow night? Like, we can go get dinner or see a movie?" I was blushing, and I thanked god he couldn't see me. "Yeah, dinner sounds great! See ya at 6:00 tomorrow?" I was beaming. "Alright! I'll pick ya up!" "Bye, Mi." "Bye."

I must've looked mad if anyone saw me through the window. I did one of those air-fist-pump things, and started dancing around the living room. I finally asked him!

It was 1:46, I still had half the day to waste. If I'm this bored and excited now, what am I gonna do tomorrow? I laughed to myself. I felt my phone buzz. My mum texted.

  'Miles Kane! You haven't talked to me in weeks! How would I have known if you died?' Typical protective mother. 'I'm fine, mum, I've just been busy. Alex and I are writing for TLSP again'
I answered.

  'Oh, that's great. What have you been up to?' Ugh, this conversation is gonna go on for hours.'I'll call you, it's easier' I told her, preparing myself. My mum tends to keep me talking for a long ass time.

  When she answered, I told her, "Well, Mum, I actually have a date tomorrow.." "Ohh, Miles! Who's the lucky lady?" I froze. Dammit, I forgot she didn't know. "Oh, uh, about that. It's, er, it's Alex. I'm not really into girls, Mum." "...oh. Why didn't ya tell me earlier, Silly?" I was glad she took it well. "It...never came up, I guess?" I said jokingly.

  2 hours later, my mum finally hung up. I slouched down on the couch; I must've walked a mile. I tend to walk aimlessly around the house when I'm talking to people. I'm surprised I'm not fit to run a marathon with the amount I've walked.

  The wait for tomorrow, I told myself, is gonna be hell.

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